Best place and location of the cabin Boeing 737-800 Ryanair
The largest European low-fire, RayneyrIt uses the same aircraft 299 Boeing 737-800.
For budget airline companies traditionally, they all have one layout. This one-class cabin on 189 seats.
Considering that Ryanair- low-fire, not to speak of a comfortable flight. Disadvantages since the airport begins, which may be on a very large distance from the destination, such as Frankfurt-Hahn Airport Frankfurt on 140 kilometers distant.
Now consider the aircraft and its configuration.
An important detail of all aircraft Ryanair: that does not leans back passenger seats. That is, throughout the aircraft no folding.
Yet we must note that the narrow width of the seat, only 17 inches (43 centimeters) and pitch between rows - 30 inches (76 centimeters). All these measures are helping to increase the number of seats.
But, even in this version there are places a little worse and a little better than the standard ones.
Note that like many other budget airline companies, Ryanair's boarding pass does not indicate your seat. That is, the passenger can take any seat in the cabin.
But there are two ways to get a more comfortable place - PRIORITY BOARDING and RESERVED SEATING.
PRIORITYBOARDING (7evro) -Priority landing aboard. That is, you will be taken to the aircraft first, so that you can take any position not occupied at RESERVEDSEATING.
RESERVEDSEATING (10evro) book on the plane all places, including locations at the escape hatches. You can order either online or at the airport. Designated p .: 1,2,5,15,16,17,32,33 available only with a reservation.
A couple of general points about the location of seats in the Boeing 737-800- their advantages and disadvantages.
1. The seats, which are located next to the porthole, have the advantage of being able to look into it during the flight (this, of course, depends on the flight time and weather). If you are flying at night, this advantage does not count. Also, the neighbor will not bother you if he wants to get up. These places have one drawback - it is not very convenient to leave it yourself. Therefore, if there is no need to go to the toilet often or you intend to oversleep the entire flight, choose a seat near the window.
2. The seats, which are located near the aisle, have their own advantage - it is very easy to get up from it, if necessary, to the toilet. The disadvantages are as follows - a neighbor may bother him if he needs to get up. Flight attendants with carts and passengers who pass through the cabin to the galley and toilets can also interfere. Therefore, if you are flying with a child and, most likely, you will often have to go to the toilet. Or you yourself have a need to go to the restroom more often, then choose from the edge of the place.
1 p. - enough space for legs and knees.
1A little worse because emergency door sticks a little cabin. Yet, at present there is no chair of one of the armrests.
2 p .: F, E, D — the partition is located at a fairly large distance, it is convenient. But the proximity to the kitchen will be a bit of a concern Folding tables, as in 1 p., Are in the armrests, which immobilizes them.
11A - none of the chairs near the window.
16 and 17 p. located near the escape hatches. Here the distance to the front row is slightly increased. You can comfortably stretch your legs. In these rows it is forbidden to obstruct the approach to the hatches with hand luggage. Passengers must meet the following restrictions: 16 years of age and older; ready and able to help in the event of an emergency; without babies and children. It is forbidden for passengers with disabilities to sit. These seats can only be taken for an additional fee.
33 p. - The last row of the plane. Located very close to the kitchen and toilet. It's always a worry and vanity. Yet, on this wall cabinet next to no luggage. Often used to store various equipment crew.
Finally, here are some general tips and tricks for choosing the best seats for your Boeing 737-800.
Ask for advice from an employee of aviation companies
If possible - carefully examine the scheme airliner on which you fly
Do not take the places in which the seats do not recline or limited in this
Do not take seats near the toilets, kitchens and other industrial facilities in the tail.
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