Best places of the cabin Boeing 737-500 Transaero
«Transaero"In its aircraft fleet has 15 aircraft Boeing 737-500. Most of the numerical model of the liner Boeing 41 737 the airline.
According to the number of seats and interior schemes these aircraft can be divided into 3 type:
1 copy for Corporate Travel VIP class puts 56 passengers (three-class cabin: Economy, Business and Imperial)
1 101 places a copy of the passenger (51 place class "tourism", 42 space economy, 8 business class seats)
13 112 instances puts passengers (108 economy class seats and 4 place of business)
We consider all these schemes and try to figure out where to sit comfortably, and which should not take place. That arrangement places that you can see on the site
To find out what the configuration of the aircraft you fly, find board room. A similar configuration on 112 places at the following boards: EIUNG, EIUNH, EIDTW, EIDTX, EIDTV, VPBYO, VPBYP, VPBYT, VPBYI, VPBYJ, VPBPD, VPBYQ, VPBYN
A couple of general points about the location of seats in the Boeing 737-500 - their advantages and disadvantages.
1. The seats, which are located next to the porthole to have the dignity that you can look into it during flight (this of course depends on the flight time and weather). If you are flying at night, this advantage is not considered. Another neighbor will not bother you if he wants to stand up. In these places there is one drawback - not very convenient to leave it. According to this, if there is no need to go to the toilet frequently, or you intend to sleep through the whole flight - choose a place in the window.
2. In the seats, which are located near the aisle, his dignity - it is very easy to get if you want to use the toilet. Disadvantages are - can disturb a neighbor if he will need to get up. Another may interfere with flight attendants trolleys and passengers that pass through the cabin to the galley and toilets. So if you're flying with the child and, most likely, will often go to the toilet. Or do you own there is a need to go to the bathroom more often, then choose from the edge of their seats.
1 p. - Only here Business Class. Good business class, if, for example, compared with Boeingom737-300 and 737-400. In any case, you can at full tilting chair to stand from their seats near the window and do not disturb neighbors.
10 p. - The first row of economy class. in the scheme are not marked in a different color, but rather curious place. Since the screen is a partition between the classes, we can assume that you will be a lot of leg space, particularly so for the aisle seats.
15 p. - There may be no window or placed inconveniently
17 p. - Limited in the back seat tilting or do not recline at all. In view of the rear emergency exit.
18 p. - Again due to the emergency exit, the distance to the front row of slightly increased. Of the minuses - it is forbidden to force passage of hand luggage. Even at these places is forbidden to plant the elderly, people with children, and so on.
26 and 27 p. - Proximity to the toilets does not give comfort.
Last row - do not recline the backrest, as the wall of the toilet abut. Also, the proximity to the restrooms is capable of delivering various inconveniences plan, starting from the constant queues and walking around and up to the sound of a tank.
Finally, here are some general tips and tricks for choosing the best seats for your Boeing 737-500.
- Ask for advice from an employee of aviation companies
- If possible - carefully examine the scheme airliner on which you fly
- Do not take the places in which the seats do not recline or limited in this
- Do not take seats near the toilets, kitchens and other industrial facilities in the tail.
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