Mooney M20. Specifications. A photo.
Mooney M20 - easy-motor multipurpose aircraft designed and manufactured with 1955, the US aircraft manufacturer «Mooney Airplane Company».
Mooney M20 Photo
Aircraft with more than 60-year history began designing American engineers back in 1953 year, thus, experts managed to not only create a quality vehicle, but in fact, make the plane very popular among consumers, which was due primarily to the low cost of instance, and at the same time with the high functionality of the aircraft.
Within two years after the start of the design work, in 1955, the plane could make its first flight, while, the aircraft exceeded all expectations aircraft company management, in connection with which, in the same year, the plane went into production, and, production of this the aircraft continues to the present day, which in turn shows its extremely high popularity.
Photo Mooney M20
Thanks to the work of designers, the plane was very neat appearance, which also played an important role in the further promotion of the aircraft on the civil aviation market, and aerodynamic shape Rounds at an early design stage, provided the aircraft high maneuverability performance, which in some cases allowed to use this model aircraft and as a sports aircraft.
The cabin of the aircraft Mooney M20 designed for transportation of four persons, including one pilot and three passengers, and, airplane, depending on its modification, is able to move at distances up to 2680 kilometers, provided it is also in demand in the commercial sphere of civil aviation, until the middle of 80-ies of the last century. I found their application in the aircraft and the Air Force, which often operated as a search and rescue aircraft, as a patrol aircraft, etc.
The basic version of the Mooney M20 is equipped with a Lycoming O-320 piston engine with a power of 150 hp, which allows the aircraft to accelerate to a speed of 250 km / h and to cover even very long distances without hindrance.
Cabin Mooney M20
Among the released versions of the aircraft should be highlighted:
- Mooney M20 - The basic production version of the airplane, manufactured with 1955 years;
- Mooney M20A - a modified version of the aircraft, equipped with a Lycoming O-360-A1A piston engine with a capacity of 180 hp;
- Mooney M20B - An improved version of the aircraft, manufactured with 1960 years;
- Mooney M20C - An improved version of 1962 years, with advanced internal space cabin, without changes in technical terms;
- Mooney M20D - An improved version of the version Mooney M20C, supplemented by a number of technical improvements;
- Mooney M20E - A high-tech version of the aircraft, equipped for modern mid-60's means avionics, and a new, more powerful piston engine thrust in 200 hp .;
- Mooney M20F - Version with an enlarged fuselage, additional luggage compartment, and a number of technical amendments to konsturktsii;
- Mooney M20G - Analogue Mooney M20F with some technical modifications;
- Mooney M20J - Version with an improved aerodynamic shape, a reinforced fuselage and powerful power plant, allowing to accelerate to speed in 323 km \ h .;
- Mooney M20K - Turbo version of the aircraft, providing greater maneuverability in flight, able to accelerate to speed in 406 km \ h .;
- Mooney M20L - Version with an additional increase in the length of the fuselage, and the increase in the carrying capacity;
- Mooney M20M - turbocharged version of the aircraft, equipped with a Lycoming TIO-540-AF1A engine with a capacity of 270 hp;
- Mooney M20R - An improved version of the plane, manufactured in the mid-90's and named the best single-engine aircraft in the world among the issued 1994 year;
- Mooney M20S Eagle - Version with propulsion Continental IO-550-G (245 hp) increase in maximum takeoff weight, the flight altitude and the number of technical amendments in the cabin;
- Mooney M20T - Version designed for special order US Air Force, but later manufactured for civil aviation purposes;
- Mooney M20TN - A modified version of Mooney M20T;
- Mooney M20U - Version of 2016 years, equipped with modern facilities and high quality avionics. It can be used as a sports aircraft;
- Mooney M20V - A modified version of version Mooney M20TN.
Specifications Mooney M20.
- Crew: 1 people;
- Passenger: 3 person;
- aircraft Length: 8,15 m (depending on version).
- Wingspan: 11,1 m (depending on version).
- Plane Height: 2,5 m (depending on version).
- Weight of empty aircraft: 1074 kg. (Depending on version);
- Payload: 454 kg. (Depending on version);
- Maximum takeoff weight: 1528 kg. (Depending on version);
- Cruising speed: 438 km \ h. (Depending on version);
- Maximum flight speed: 448 km \ h. (Depending on version);
- Maximum flight distance: 2676 km. (Depending on version);
- Maximum flight height: 7625 m (depending on version).
- aircraft engine type: a piston;
- Powerplant: Continental TSIO-550-G (depending on version);
- Power: 280 hp (Depending on version).