BUT KNOW Learning Center Complang
ATC "Comp Lang" has been certified training programs for aviation specialists, among which we can find the requirements to meet modern needs:
- Multilevel training of air traffic controllers and flight crews in aviation and general English, followed by testing for qualifications according to the ICAO TELLCAP® Scale from the first to the fifth level according to the ICAO Scale.
- The course of the fourth level of care and maintenance of the ICAO scale for air traffic controllers and pilots.
Further training and initial training by:
- Curriculums pilots to perform international flights:
- - Aviation and General English;
- - The study of phraseology in English language aviation;
- - Navigation, air law, air international transportation;
- - Especially on international flights fly meteorological support.
- Technical Aviation English language for engineering and technical personnel.
- Technical Aviation English language for drivers.
- professionally oriented English for airport ground services personnel.
- for flight attendants in English.
- English business language for representatives of foreign airlines and civil aviation employees of the enterprises working in the aviation business.
- Training of examiners and raters on the program "The use of ICAO scales to determine the extent of English language of aviation."
- The course of increasing qualification of teachers aviation training centers for methods of teaching English language aviation.
- Pilot retraining for Cessna-172S aircraft, Mi-8 and Robinson "R-44" helicopters.
- Pilot advanced training course for Cessna-172S aircraft, Mi-8 and Robinson "R-44" helicopters.
- Training course for flight crew members on rescue and emergency equipment for aircraft of the following types: An-2, Yak-40, Mi-8, Mi-2, Robinson R-44, Cessna-172S and training procedures TSA land (emergency evacuation).
The training center has turned twenty years old, ten of which are developing intensively the testing and training of air traffic controllers and pilots. For a short time, Comp Lang has become a well-known institution of supplementary professional education, which is capable of providing quality training in many aspects of the English aviation language, developing methodological universal training packages, preparing teachers and increasing their qualifications, conducting English aviation courses jointly with foreign invited teachers Qualification testing of air traffic controllers and pilots, which makes it possible to determine with high airspace To the degree of accuracy the level of competence in the English language on the ICAO scale.