LEU Aviation Training Center Air Party
Licensed training aviation center in the Moscow region in Moscow for training helicopter piloting. Location: two kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road.
Air Party - school, officially licensed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to conduct educational courses for training helicopter art.
The group of companies "Avia PART" can conduct training courses not only for future pilots, but also for teachers of other aviation centers and schools, as well as increase their qualifications.
The director of our institution is Andrey Vyacheslavovich Volodin, a pilot with more than 6800 flight hours. Deputy Director, instructor-examiner, pilot-instructor, - Andrey Vladimirovich Mitrofanov, who has logged more than 6200 hours.
The accumulated experience of methodical work and flights allows, in the course of the training center's activities, to carry out initial training in helicopter piloting and retraining for the types of AS-350 B2 \ B3 and R-44 at a high level of professionalism.
The center has a helipad located at a distance of two kilometers from the Moscow Automobile Ring Road in the direction of the Gorkovskoye Highway, and is also equipped with classrooms for convenient teaching of pilot theory.
By purchasing a gift certificate for a flight, you can please the strict director or a loved one. And what could be better than a holiday vacation in the clouds. Rent a helicopter for an unusual wedding or goodbye, corporate parties, are not trained in this flight.
The Technical Aviation Center, certified on the territory of the educational institution, offers maintenance of R-44 (TO) helicopters.
Air Party will supply you with wings and give freedom.
The course of initial training flight in a helicopter, and the skill of the pilot.
You will learn in the classroom theoretical basics of piloting training ROBINSON-R44 helicopter and explore the mechanism of the machine to hold the pre-flight condition in practice. On completion of the course you will be a pro and will perform solo flights.
The skills and duration
Course helicopter pilot last time 181 hour sessions in the heavens and on earth.
The practice is to secure the material in the theoretical air. Flying lessons are piloting 42 hours total flying.
In addition to flying with the instructor in the training program provided at least ten hours of solo flight in a helicopter. Do not worry, the instructor will not leave any minute cadet activities without analysis and attention. Also, ten hours is given at least five cross-country flight. Not only do you not fly less than 180 kilometers from takeoffs and landings in different places, but also learn how to navigate, relying only on the devices.
Then comes the final test for the qualification of "Pilot"
After completing the theoretical part, the cadet will have to pass exams in sixteen subjects. As soon as all disciplines are surrendered, the transition to lessons in flight and ground training on the chosen helicopter begins.
After examination in flight practice put, the Russian pilot to give a certificate, which is mandatory:
- Name Aviation Training Center;
- type and course curriculum;
- category of rights that have been issued;
- period of study;
- duration of the program,
- exam scores.