Establishment of communication between the Air Force and Ground Forces
Establishment of communication between the Air Force and Ground Forces

Establishment of communication between the Air Force and Ground Forces


Air Force Success of interaction with ground troops in combat and operations depends on the established connections.

Army Headquarters is responsible for:

  • a) the establishment and maintenance of land telephone and telegraph communication between units and headquarters of the army and air forces and for sending delegates;

  • b) establishment and maintenance of ground communication lines between headquarters and individual air units;

  • c) the work of the terminal points of communication between the headquarters of air formations and air units; for this purpose, air linkages are assigned parts of communications;

  • d) the distribution of waves necessary for aviation activities;

  • e) establishing callsigns and codes;

  • f) the establishment and issuance of the necessary orders to the personnel of the radiotelegraph and telephone stations of the army and air forces assigned to them to establish communications with the aircraft;

  • g) organization and operation of air communications and observation posts.


The Air Force is responsible for:

  • a) internal communication between units and organizations of the air force, with the exception of those specified above in paragraphs. "B" and "c"; all air units and air connections are equipped with radiotelegraph installations for communication with each other;

  • b) arrangement, preservation and operation of installations for communication between the aircraft and the ground, including installations available in the organizations and units of the army specified in paragraph "f".
