The domestic civil aircraft industry: working for the future
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The domestic civil aircraft industry: working for the future

The domestic civil aircraft industry: working for the future


Domestic civil aircraft development is not developing at the intensive pace as it would be desirable, however, the development of new aircraft is still underway and mass production of promising Russian airliners MS-21 will begin in the near future, which, due to their uniqueness, may interest not only domestic air carriers, But also foreign airlines, since the flight performance of these aircraft, although somewhat inferior to modern aircraft produced by Boeing and Airbus , However, in terms of value and subsequent maintenance, it is these aircraft are more profitable.



However, experts note some "confusion" in the development of aircraft Russian aircraft engineer, because, in essence, is currently produced only small airliners are unable to compete on equal terms with foreign aircraft, which, of course, hardly carries the prospect of the next year, although its share is definitely present.

Just today there is evidence that the beneficial contract for the supply of aircraft SSJ-100 in Iran derailed, and, as it became known, the problem was not in the price, not for any flight characteristics of the aircraft and not as a product, and in the technical specifications of aircraft of domestic production. Iranian authorities have stressed that they need roomy passenger airliners, in which Russian planes still far behind Western aircraft.



As can be seen from the above, the Russian aircraft manufacturers should work for the future, including the development of capacious planes that allow to take on board far more than one hundred passengers, and quite possibly a large number of orders will not, however, here there is a great opportunity just for a few years to compete with foreign passenger aircraft, which is natural in the future could mean lucrative contracts, the more that will be on the aircraft 20-30% cheaper than foreign analogues.



In order to minimize the amount of cash expenses for the creation of new advanced passenger aircraft, as well as shorten the time of actual development is likely worth taking for the base of existing models, such as the same SSJ-100 or MS-21, by improving the design of which can increase the seating capacity on 50-70 people, which in itself will lead to more intense demand for Russian aircraft.

It is worth emphasizing the fact that with such developments, careful attention should be paid to the use of exclusively domestic air hubs and units, since in this case, not only will the cost of building one unit be reduced, but it will also provide an opportunity to avoid various kinds of force majeure, including related with Western sanctions.


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