Flight with a baby
Flight with a baby

A long flight with a baby


- Hello. Not so long ago you were traveling with a baby in her arms. How was your flight? Please share your experiences with our readers.

- Greetings to all. My name is Kate, and today I'll tell you how to move a long flight with a small child. So, I will tell you from my own experience of flight. We flew from Odessa to Winnipeg. We had two transplants, three aircraft and 17 hours of travel. Even, we can say more, as we went through the Kherson to Odessa, it was still a plus three hours. That is the way 20 hours.

- How to prepare for the trip? What care should be taken in advance?

- It was, of course, very difficult. But if you are flying with a small child, especially on transatlantic flights, then you should make sure in advance that you are as comfortable as possible on the way. So, in order to make us comfortable, we booked a ticket for the baby, at that time he was 3 months old. The price was 10% of the cost of an adult ticket, but on condition that the child is in his arms. Naturally, we did not want to hold the baby in our arms for 8 hours on the plane, it would be very difficult. We flew in the Dreamliner, there were very narrow seats, and in general it would be inconvenient to hold it. We decided to order a carrycot. This is the most important thing that I advise you to do when ordering a ticket - call the airline and book a bassinet. It is issued for all babies under the age of 6 months. The kid should be no more than 10 kg and no more than 80 cm tall. If all these conditions are met, you will be provided with a cradle, but only if you order it. Because initially they are not on the plane, so the crew saves weight so that it is not so difficult for the plane to climb, even if it is two kilograms. However, I recommend ordering a carrycot. She helped us a lot.

So, the first flight was given to us very easily. We are even happy, thinking that things could be so beautiful. The first flight was from Odessa to Poland. He did not last long - 1,5 hours This, together with all takeoff and landing.. Generally no problem. The kid did not sleep, but he did not cry, he plays, looked out the window. Here we are no cradles are not granted. Places have been usual. We were clearly in the middle of the salon with the baby in her arms. Everything was great. We survived the flight, landed and ran to the next plane.

Flight with a baby 323

- What are the difficulties you had to face, continuing the journey? And how do you overcome them?

“The next plane is the Boeing Dreamliner. You can look on the internet. The new aircraft is considered to be very fast and reliable. We, of course, expected something new from him. We thought the seats would be more comfortable. But, unfortunately, they were quite close. But we were very lucky as I ordered a basket for the baby. Thanks to this, we were given seats in the very first sector, which is closest to the business class. These are very good seats because there is a lot of legroom. Plus, you can also put all sorts of bags and other accessories there. This is very important, because behind us people were sitting with bent legs, and we could straighten our legs. It was very wonderful, very.

- How to feel the baby?

- Half of the road to our child was very hard. Presumably, the difference in time. We are, it turns out, running away from the sun. That is, we had a day and a day, and he was already night. He wants to sleep, but can not, what happens? On the street day and I can not sleep. Unfortunately, children will feel it all.

 - What are the amenities in the cabin for passengers with children?

- It was very hard for us. Imagine, we have risen since the morning. We experienced one flight, a transplant. It was very hard, the child was constantly crying. But it's not a fact that you will have the same thing, because all children are individual. It was very convenient, that in all toilets there are folding tables where it is possible to change a diaper, to spend hygienic procedures with the kid. But close enough, of course. Therefore, try to dress at least in the heavy clothes of the baby, so that you can do all the activities quickly. Then I managed to put him to sleep in the cradle. And half way, almost before landing, the baby slept, that is four hours.

We did not sleep, because sleep in this position, it was very hard. Perhaps it will be much easier for you. Will you take yourself povyazochku, birushi, pad, and is quite comfortable.

I can not sleep because the baby looked like. We waited landing in Toronto.

- What is remembered the next flight?

“We waited three hours for the next flight. This waiting time was not difficult. We passed all the controls: immigration, customs. We transferred our suitcases from the previous flight to the next one for inspection. And after that they waited for the plane to Winnipeg. There were no bonuses here. We sat in the middle of the plane as usual. Without a cradle, the baby was in my arms. And this was the most difficult flight. Because we, it turns out, have not slept for almost a day. And that was the last two and a half hours. Here you need to be patient. Support each other if you are not flying alone, but with a child. Change - half an hour dad, half an hour mom. That is why we were able to survive this flight. When we got off the plane, we became the happiest people on the planet. We set foot on the ground, Winnipeg.

- What advice can you give future travelers with children?

- Before a long flight please be patient, wet wipes, diapers, towel and change of clothes pelenochkami. I think this will be enough for the baby. In that case, if it is bottle-fed him or you finish feeding, baby food can be ordered from the airlines. It must, as well as a cradle, book one day before departure. Enjoy your travels!



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