Ural airlines
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12 November liner airline "Ural Airlines" flew with the first group of 220 people with disabilities in Crimea

pilot error. The scientific approach to aviation.
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The pilots themselves, have forgotten to release the chassis, also said that the mind does not exert as this could happen.

aircraft jet engine
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What is the jet aircraft engine and Kakmo are they?

Porthole plane view
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Probably very few people, even including those who know well acquainted with the history of aviation that an airplane porthole not always had round pairing.

The truth about cell phones on the plane
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Are mobile phones can lead to the collapse of an airliner?


Avia knowledge. Good to know about aviation.


Airline - a team of highly qualified staff that provide, supervise, regulate all processes and manage them. Their actions are aimed at the passengers quickly, comfortably and safely move to the small and large distances by air. From the preparation of each depends on the prestige of a specialist airline and credibility of the people. Everyone working in the airline, regardless of position, must constantly develop their professionalism and maintain it at an appropriate level.

That knowledge will help other published on our website. The level of training forms related to the company, as it stands face abroad (in Asia, Europe, Africa), and in his native Russia. In turn, companies should encourage aviaperson (highly qualified personnel, staff, representatives of the airline) premiums, higher pay and career growth. However, we must not forget that they must continually renew or acquire new knowledge through other examinations and tests, as well as refresher courses.

Avia knowledge

In order to ensure the prompt and comfortable passage of all preflight and post-flight formalities, the company provides its representative at the airport from the moment of arrival of people to the terminal before boarding the aircraft. A high-class level of maintenance services and minimizing time losses in resolving operational issues between the airline company and the organizations servicing it are directly provided by the airline representatives. And the following factors are taken into account: the presence / absence of passenger complaints, the regularity of flights, the employment of seats on the aircraft.

Representatives of the airlines set clear targets for improvement, so that they can implement the corporate strategy in the regions of our country and abroad. To learn more about the work of the representative of the airline, and with all the subtleties of it, you can getting other knowledge, published in this section of the portal. If you are going to finish school to get a degree in the direction of the work in the airline, you will also be interested in this information.

Good to know about aviation

Today one of the main directions in the activity of aviation is to ensure high safety of all who dwell on board an apparatus. In recent years, the role of aviation security has grown significantly. The main principle of safety is well-coordinated work of all departments to prevent acts of unauthorized interference with the functioning of air transport. Today, the topic the subject of many seminars and other events that allow exchange of experience on aviation security.

You too can find programs that provide aviation security in airlines and airports, learn about modern methods of control used in airports, as well as possible treatments response to security threats. The use of programmed control and a large selection of videos, other knowledge articles - all this you can see in this section of the site.

We all look forward to that very soon, airlines will use the new aircraft, to board that will not be so expensive. And watch out for our comfort and safety representatives are experienced airline. But whether such fulfilled our expectations? We can only wait and watch for new publications from our website.
