Profession pilot for children. Calling or usual occupation?
Many boys and girls dream of the sky. But only a few of them become true professionals of the flight business. Purposeful, persistent, future pilots and flight attendants go through a lot. Here, and the fear of relatives for their lives, constant anxiety and excitement, and misunderstanding of friends - the romance was gone, and the hard, sometimes ungrateful, work remained. Profession pilot for children means a lot.
How it all began
It so happened that the aircraft has come to Russia just before the Revolution. Even at the dawn of the profession to the pilot aviators regarded rather as an original genre artists. The demonstration flight was seen as a theatrical performance in the open air. True, sometimes with tragic consequences.
Years passed, aviation seriously declared itself as an interesting, difficult but full of romance profession. Postwar boy looked with envy at the young pilots in leather jackets and helmets. Many were leaving the house where was taught to fly by plane, forever linked his fate with this profession. Buguruslan school let out pilots of small aircraft flying in the famous "corncob", spraying fertilizer on fields or delivering food and mail to remote areas.
My future profession - pilot.
Soviet system of distribution of young professionals graduates threw away from their homes. So young rostovchanin from the banks of the Don will of fate was in the dusty provincial Kokand, where the airport in 60-years was almost the center of civilization and technological progress. Flights totally dependent on the weather, so the Met Office based in the same place, at the airport. Here and met the young pilot from Rostov-on-Don, and a graduate of Tashkent University, atmospheric physics.
Daily work at height
On the life of the pilots, many books have been written, films have been made in which the aura of romance breaks down about an unsettled life or family troubles. Being a pilots wife is not easy, however, as well as a representative of any other profession with a non-standard working day. Waiting from the flight, the relief that came back, and the nervous breakdown due to the constant fear for his life. Or vice versa, the husband's flights are perceived as something ordinary, besides they are connected with constant travel around the country. And instead of learning how things are at work, demands are made to immediately solve domestic problems. But after a hard, exhausting flight in difficult weather conditions, I want so much warmth and home comfort.
Occupation Pilot photo
Participation in the upbringing of children is also taking place in fits and starts, between flights. Very rarely manage to go the whole family on vacation. Of course, not all of those memories, but in any case, the profession of the father affects the lives of loved ones. It happens that the sons are following in his footsteps, continuing the family dynasty. But most parents are opposed to the son or daughter have linked their lives with the sky. If it still occurs, such disobedient and obtained by true professionals, high-class specialists.
When in the distant Soviet times, children were asked who they want to be when you grow up, the most frequent answers were "pilot" or "astronaut." Today, the profession is not so popular. But still to come, flight school, those who truly love the sky and can not imagine another job on the ground.