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Wake the sleeping "Bear" or Tu-95MS

Wake the sleeping "Bear" or Tu-95MS


This aircraft is well known all over the world. Over the years of "cold war" the plane terrified the NATO military. The Cold War is long since past. But from August 2007 years our "Bears" again greatly disturbed our NATO neighbors.

The first flight of "product 95-1» made in November 12 1952 (!) Years. Subsequently, within two years other theater were put on the plane, called after its designer NK-12 (Nikolai Kuznetsov).

Today Tu-95 fastest turboprop bomber in the world. It is part of a triad of nuclear protection of Russia. Now planes are upgrading electronic and on-board equipment in accordance with modern realities.

Tu-95MS is equipped with a drum-type suspension inside the fuselage with 6 Kh-55M cruise missiles. On external hardpoints, it can still carry up to 10 of the same missiles (16 missiles in total!). And although this is prohibited by international agreements, there are 16 wing pylons on MC4 aircraft.


According to NATO terminology Tu-95 have called Bear, Bear. And since 2007 years our "Bear" became greatly annoyed NATO people.

So what NATO's military watching so intently for the service of the old bear?

Each case of appearance Tu-95 near NATO borders hysterical coverage in the press. Caused by our ambassadors and consuls, who have for each case explained.


 US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said that if the Tu-95 are still flying, they are “in good working condition,” and added: “I don’t think we consider this a particular threat, but we’re watching it, watching carefully and I am sure that this is also being monitored at the Pentagon. ”


This statement by the representative of the State Department was made almost two months after the conditional attack our four "carcasses" the pride of the American fleet, the aircraft carrier "Nimitz". With its nominal sinking. This is how the press wrote:

Departing from the base in the Amur region, "Bears" moved slightly south of the borders of Japan. Then two of the four "Tu-95", having noticed on the radars of the American "leviathan", slightly changed the course. When the aircraft carrier was about 800 kilometers from the Russian bombers, the giant finally came to, and sent four F / A-18 fighters to intercept. The further actions of the Tu-95 pilots were like a wonderful chess gambit, where a victim is needed to win the position and win the next victory. Such a victim was one of our two bombers: he willingly depicted obedience and allowed himself to intercept himself. When the astonished and delighted Americans remembered the second "Medved", it already flew in 600 meters above the deck of "Nimitsa", immaculately simulating the attack on the aircraft carrier.

Having winning turn in the air, the Tu-95MS originally bid farewell with overseas colleagues: flagpoles flew over the ship again and was gone. After this presentation, the bombers safely returned to base, leaving the men and generals "enemy" to be ashamed views on the deck. (10 February 2008g.)

There are no words, even a little bit boyish prank, but given the serious combat load Tu-95, our pilots have once again shown who really prepared for battle, and who really owns the space above the ocean. All aircraft carrier armada could do nothing to counter the brilliant attack only 4 «Russian bear".

But, in the opinion of Admiral James Winnefeld Jr., head of the US Northern Command and the head of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, Tu-95 flights near the US and Canadian air borders are like an illusion of power where there is no power. They are trying to show the world that they are a powerful nation, and we do not give them satisfaction. ”(July 8, 2010)


Well, Well, the Americans, as always in his repertoire. Even evidence of the attack our pilots of the whole aircraft carrier compounds, and, and very successful, they are not taught anything.

But the most extreme case.

28.01.2015 BC Two Russian Tu-95 were found in the area of ​​responsibility of air defense UK to the south of the city of Bournemouth on the shore of the Strait English Channel.  Two fighters Typhoon  British Foreign He summoned the Russian ambassador for an explanation. At the same time the British military confirmed that the aircraft did not violate the airspace, flying over international waters.

So, not so old "bear" as he is painted NATO military? So, there is reason to be afraid of old people, over whom were laughing?


Previously, NATO also expressed its indignation at flights of Russian military aircraft near European states. For example, in November 2014, the secretary general of the alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, said that Russian military aircraft pose a danger to European civil aviation. He recalled that in 2014, NATO fighters intercepted Russian military aircraft more than a hundred times, while in 2013 there were no more than thirty such cases.

It is very doubtful version resembling the latter method of influence on the "uncontrolled Russian pilots" in the skies of Europe. Allegedly, they pose a threat to civil airlines. But our pilots very high level of training and professionalism, to pose a threat in the first place to ourselves.

Yes, our pilots often do not come in touch with the civilian air traffic controllers do not include transponders. But they - military aviation, and are not obliged to do so. And in the event of a conflict, a military aircraft will fly with the included transponder?

There is an old Eastern proverb: "the dogs bark and the caravan moves on."

And our long-range aviation to fly according to the plans of command, no matter what.

Valery Smirnov specifically for Avia.pro

Valery Smirnov
