Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring
Hermann Göring (Hermann Wilhelm Göring) 12 January 1893 - 15 October 1946, Nuremberg) - political, statesman and military leader of Nazi Germany, Reich Reich Ministry of Aviation, Reichsmarschall Great German Reich.
Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring - the second person in Nazi Germany, for special services had the rank of private. Reich Marshal was no longer anywhere, ever. He served as Chief of the Air Force in Germany, the Commissioner for the Four Year Plan.
He was the closest aide of Hitler 1922, organizer and leader of storm troopers (SA), was one of the organizers of the Reichstag fire and the seizure of power by the Nazis. Goering, a man of outstanding organizational skills, involved in everything that happened in Germany, his guilt has been established at the Nuremberg trials.
The German air force under the direction of Goering from a military point of view worthy of fighting for five years and eight months from the anti-Hitler coalition aircraft, with the strongest countries in the world.
Throughout the war in Germany were working on the creation and introduction of new types of weapons - missiles and jet aircraft, ballistic missiles, rocket bombs and shells, electrical and electronic equipment, and so on. D. To all this, Mr. Goering had a direct relationship.
Death by hanging (such was the verdict of the Nuremberg trial) G. Goering escaped. He took poison, pre-written note: "Reichsmarschall not hang, Reichsmarschall go."