Pink Floyd Roger Waters
Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters says he's "beginning to respect Putin more"

“Perhaps he leads his country for the benefit of all the people of Russia,” the musician believes.

“We demand change. President Biden, President Putin, President Zelensky, the US, NATO, Russia, the EU, all of you, please change course now. Negotiate a ceasefire in Ukraine today,” Waters said.

Recall that Russia asked the UN Security Council to include Roger Waters, one of the founders of the Pink Floyd group, in the list of speakers at the next meeting on the Ukrainian issue.

Waters said that Lukasz Wantuch, a member of the Krakow City Council, proposed declaring him persona non grata and called for a boycott of his speeches because of his position on Ukraine.

Later, Waters' concert was proposed to be canceled in Munich due to his position on Israel and Ukraine.

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters says he's "beginning to respect Putin more"

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