The composition of the crew of a military aircraft. Standards work.
The aircraft crew called his staff as a rise in the air to perform combat missions and serving it on the ground.
Personnel to perform the duties of flight crew is divided into, and serving the technical team (non-flying). In some cases, large and multi multiengine airplanes of the maintenance staff is involved in the flight, there is continuing its work and partly to help flight crews to operate the machine (motor); This refers to the part of the crew of flight lifting technical composition.
The crew of the aircraft is headed by the commander of the aircraft (the ship), which can be either the pilot or the pilot-observer of this aircraft. He is responsible for the serviceability, combat readiness, preparation for the flight, for the combat use of the aircraft in flight and for the crew and its work as a whole. If the pilot-in-command is a pilot-observer, the crew's responsibility for performance. Assignments is distributed approximately as follows: a) the pilot-observer is responsible for the immediate performance of the combat mission; B) the pilot - for the technique of flying and general technical operation of the aircraft in accordance with the instructions of the commander of the crew.
In addition, there are a number of specialists who are attached to a number of aircraft for maintenance, but the crew are not included. The twin-engine bomber planes have crew in 3-4 person: navigator, pilot and one or two arrows ka-radio operator. The heavy multi-engine airplanes are part of the permanent staff in all major specialties.
Light bombers, attack aircraft, and two - and multi fighters working groups can be on the same level plane pilot observer (navigator on the commander's plane) and on other planes - shooters, scorers.
Rationing of flight crew
Considerations of air situation and characteristics of flight operations, depending on its various elements and the time of year, leading to rationing of flight operations.
According to foreign press, in various states set certain standards of flight crews work in combat conditions.
Daily allowance is usually guided in setting targets aviation units and formations for the day.
The seven-day rate is taken into account in the organization of aviation operations on its stages.
Monthly rate normally used for planning air within the front and for the calculation of the technical support of its activities.
Aviation can provide high voltage work only for a short time. Following a period of hard work should get aircrew rest to recover his strength. During normal operation after approximately 3-5 days of flight crews is given rest, and an overview of the material. When the hard work in the rest of flight personnel and inspection of the material are approximately 3 day after day of work.
Besides flight rules when calculating the voltage potential of aviation operations accounted for "treatment" of aircraft to determine the number of possible missions of this type of aircraft in the day. This "treatment", the possibility of re departure and the interval at which it is performed, composed of the time:
1. Simultaneously with the preparation of the aircraft, the flight crew rests after the flight.
2. The last column of the table shows how much time is spent on 1 flight and preparation for it, and from this we can conclude about the maximum number of flights per day.
a) the preparation of the flight crew; b) for the flight; c) the preparation of the aircraft after the flight.
These rules allow the average, based on the specific situation (the radius of the flight, the operational capabilities of the airport), to determine the degree of readiness of units to repeated crashes and the allowable stress in a given period of time.
Obviously, these rules are also taken into account in the calculation of repeated departures and may depend on: a) the duration of the previous flight and the time of preparation and pre-charge of the aircraft and crew rest; b) the nature of the re-flight, requiring preparation for the flight of a new or an old problem (crew training, weapons, charged initially, rest of the crew).
It is evident that the largest number of sorties can (make intelligence (Branch - when flying over the battlefield - a short flight, the same type of problems) and ground attack aircraft (with its on small radii) that do not require the aircraft to be charged, and the previous flight in duration not more than 50% daily value of this type of aircraft.