Modern map of foreign military bases in Africa
Modern map of foreign military bases in Africa

Several countries have military bases in Africa, including the United States, France, China and Russia.

The US has military bases in many African countries including Djibouti, Kenya, Niger and Somalia. The bases are used to fight terrorism and human rights violations, as well as to ensure the security of the region and support peacekeeping missions.

France also has military bases in Africa, especially in its former colonies. For example, in Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Niger and Senegal. France uses its military bases to fight terrorism, control the spread of its interests, and also to ensure the security of the region.

Chinese military bases in Africa are relatively recent. One of these bases is located in Djibouti and is used to combat piracy and protect their economic interests.

Finally, Russia also has its own military bases in Africa. For example, in Sudan, where the only naval facility in the region is located, as well as in Egypt and Somalia. Military bases are used to protect their economic and political interests in the region, fight terrorism and participate in peacekeeping missions.

In addition, there are military bases in Africa from other countries such as Germany, Italy, Turkey and Japan.

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