Assault aircraft
A special kind of attack aircraft, there is only a part of the Italian Air Force and the US; in other countries, the problem of attack aircraft assigned to the fighter, bomber and reconnaissance aircraft even.
It must be emphasized that, despite the absence of a specific type of attack aircraft, the use of assault action has paid off in the last war, but because they find wide application in the future.
Appointment attack aircraft: a) attack on the airfields and enemy ground troops with machine-gun, cannon fire and bombs; b) bombardment facilities operational, tactical logistics, defensive structures in fortified areas, railway stations, roads and trains on them, as well as military ships and vessels of all types.
Attack aircraft, depending on the situation with the act of shaving, small and medium height both in horizontal flight and dive. Select the height and method of attack in each case will depend on the quality of the material of the aircraft and weapons, anti-aircraft and fighter to counter the enemy, attacked the nature and objectives of the terrain and weather conditions.
Auxiliary aircraft are included in the Air Force, the more varied than is economically stronger than the state and a large role for the BBC in a future war.
The most common types of aviation:
a) transport - for various purposes (for transporting troops, military cargo, sanitary evacuation); in peacetime, there is a permanent staff in states with large and "restless" colonial possessions, where uprisings often break out and an incessant "small war" is going on (Italy, USA, England, France); in wartime, this force of aviation can be replenished in a short time at the expense of civil aviation, as a result of which the development of the latter in peacetime acquires great importance;
b) Operating representing small flying workshops;
c) fotosemochnaya (US);
d) communications;
d) sanitary.
The main purpose of attack aircraft is to perform combat missions with strafing and low and medium altitudes, and with extensive use of attack dive.
Assault Aviation finds its major application in cases where the required surprise attack and hit accuracy. The objects of its actions are the living forces of the enemy, means struggle, and objects that have military or political and economic importance.
By all means attack aircraft are the bombs of various types and calibers, chemical warfare agents, cannon and machine-gun fire. In most cases, attack aviation apply massive action. The peculiarity of its action consists in combat missions mainly on very low altitudes.
Assault Aviation Command is in the hands of a powerful, highly mobile and maneuverable combat means for the application of sensitive air strikes.
Attack aircraft working both independently and in cooperation with the ground forces vehicles with other types of Air Force, helping them according to the situation and the nature of the tasks.
a) prevent the supply and approach of enemy troops to the battlefield and destroy them in the military and army rear;
b) directly support their troops with enemy attacks at different periods of the battle;
c) disrupt communication and control of the enemy by destroying headquarters, wire communication centers and radio stations;
d) to fight air and sea (river) assault forces, destroying them from their initial position, on the way, during landing and during operations on our territory;
e) disrupt the work of the enemy's rear, stopping railroad transportation, destroying road transportation routes, destroying supplies in warehouses, stations, etc .;
f) destroy enemy aircraft at its airfields, destroy warehouses and airbases;
g) participate in repelling the raids of large enemy bombing formations.
Action Zone attack aircraft
Assault Aviation applied directly over the battlefield and in the rear of the enemy.
Subordination attack aircraft
Assault aviation is a means of commanding armies and fronts, to which it is subordinated through the chiefs (Air Force. Such subordination makes it possible to use it most fully and expediently, massing in the most important directions.
To enhance the impact or increase the resistance of ground connections infantry (cavalry motomehvoysk) past supported the assault aircraft, which operates in the tactical interaction with them directly over the battlefield, while remaining subordinate to the army command and performing the tasks of commanders to maintain the connection within the prescribed Aramaic command standards departures.
In rare cases, temporary reassignment parts commanders of attack aircraft, but not below the corps commanders.
Objects attack attack aircraft
When the assault aviation operational objectives, targets its actions are:
1) railways - railways - stretches (destruction of individual sections), railway bridges (destruction), armored, military and freight trains (device of wrecks), railway junctions, linear stations, supply stations, salaries (disorganization of railway traffic, (obstacle to the supply of reserves and means of struggle, as well as evacuation);
2) the enemy's air force - bases, airfields and materiel on them;
3) industrial enterprises, military warehouses and other objects of military or political and economic importance (mines, oil fields, power plants, electric highways, etc.);
4) firing positions for ground-based air defense systems covering troops, airfields, railway junctions and important rear facilities;
5) engineering structures at the rear operational lines;
6) amphibious assault, both during the approach and during the landing;
7) airborne assault forces during their landing;
8) the enemy's operational reserves, approaching the front.
When the assault aviation tasks in cooperation with the ground forces the objects of its actions are:
In an offensive battle:
a) the enemy's defensive zone, on which the assault aircraft is obliged to interfere with the production of defensive work during the approach of its troops by a series of successive attacks;
b) the front edge of the enemy's defense, which it suppresses, increasing the impact of its artillery in the process of preparing an attack by its infantry;
c) artillery, tanks, reserves and individual centers of enemy resistance, the actions of which it suppresses, destroys and frustrates during the infantry attack on the front edge and the battle in the depths of the enemy's defensive zone, as well as when the senior combined-arms commander's tank reserves are brought into battle;
d) rear defensive zone of the enemy - from the moment of breaking through the main defensive zone of the enemy, prohibiting the enemy from occupying and strengthening it;
e) headquarters, communication lines and radio stations, the destruction of which contributes to the disorganization of enemy control;
f) routes of supply and evacuation, rear offices, carts and field depots throughout the battle, disrupting the work of the rear and destroying enemy combat assets.
During a meeting engagement:
a) enemy columns on the march, especially his artillery and tanks during their oncoming approach by attack independently and in cooperation with their tanks;
b) enemy artillery during its deployment and at firing positions;
c) enemy tanks in wait-and-see positions;
d) bypassing enemy columns during the battle;
e) the headquarters and rear of the enemy.
In a defensive battle:
a) enemy columns as they approach the defensive zone;
b) certain groups of the enemy during the production of their counterattacks in front of the front line;
c) the main enemy grouping in the concentration area (mainly tanks and artillery) during the production of artillery counterpreparation;
d) echelons of the enemy's breakthrough development at the moment of the start of their counterattack - to spite them being cut off from the echelons that entered the breakthrough;
e) enemy tanks after breaking through the anti-tank defense zone.
When the persecution:
a) suitable enemy reserves;
b) retreating columns of troops (especially artillery and tanks); and carts;
c) bridges, crossings and gorges on the withdrawal routes in the rear;
d) the accumulation of troops (on vacation, at crossings and gorges);
e) prepared defense lines.
When you exit the battlefield:
a) groups of enemy forces that are most pressing on their troops (especially tanks), hindering the separation;
b) enemy troops threatening to exit the route of retreat;
c) enemy artillery;
d) enemy airborne assault forces.
Fighting attack aircraft against moving targets and carrying out surprise attacks require the most detailed and accurate intelligence. In doing so, they must give their full assistance to all razdelyvatelnye funds available to the Combined Arms Command headquarters.
With the actions of ground attack aircraft, the number of aircraft being equipped, build, build the combat flight itself and select weapons determined by the nature of the object. Attack of some objects require small number of aircraft, but the effect of these airplanes should be systematically repeated, sometimes even within a few days (the destruction of railroad hauls); Some objects (infantry, cavalry, mechanized parts, airports with aircraft) require one, but powerful attack massive attack aircraft with appropriate means of destruction.
From weapons attack aircraft in their attacks apply:
a) fragmentation bombs, high-explosive, chemical and incendiary;
b) underwing and nadkrylnye machine gun batteries;
c) the front machine guns;
d) turret machine guns;
e) various smoke devices.
The imperialist countries pay great attention to the use of persistent and non-persistent agents, but still the main means of destruction are the bomb shrapnel to defeat live targets and fragmentation, high explosive and incendiary to destroy the material part and fixed objects.
Selection and calculation of weapons (aircraft and bombs) zavisyat- on the size and nature of the target (length and width) and available bombs (type and size).
Machine-gun fire as compared with fragmentation bombs less effective.
Trains and trains especially advantageous to attack in the recesses, on bridges and rounded where the device crashes facilitated specifications. Calculation on the train, in motion: a link to the crash, the squadron for the collapse and destruction of human composition.
When attacking airfields and air bases of the enemy to destroy materiel (aircraft) the choice of weapons depends on the time of day (night machine gun fire is less suitable). The density of the lesion should be a big bomb to pieces, and the devastating effect of the blast wave, even in indirect contact firmly blocked all the space allocated to aircraft.
When attacking the airfield in order to damage the airfield, high-explosive bombs are used, with the calculation of the destruction of an area of a certain size in order to prevent organized mass combat flights. Such an attack pursues the task of temporarily neutralizing aviation stationed at this aerodrome and is usually timed to the time when it is particularly advisable for the troops or the air force to turn off the enemy's air defense, at least for 2-8 hours. For the damage of the airfield "size 600 X 600 / and one squadron in 10-12 aircraft, dropping each 500-600 kg of explosive (10 or 12 bombs in 50 kg) is enough. The duration of the inactivity of the aerodrome is increased by the use of chemical bombs that hamper the reconstruction work. The very infection of the airfield with poisonous substances does not prevent the aircraft from flying off the aerodrome when using gas masks and technical equipment.
When exposed to the enemy's defenses during the approach of his troops and artillery preparation before the start of the offensive requires a number of successive attacks on individual sites of defense. The attack is carried out by small units: the firing of machine guns and bombarding the area of small shrapnel 6oivii6aMiH.
For the production of smoke screens are smoke bombs and smoke-generating devices. Smoke curtains are placed to camouflage their troops, ships of the navy and fixed objects from both the ground and air enemy. Smoke curtains can also be used to blind the enemy and attacked samomaskirovki. The possibility of setting both vertical and horizontal smoke screens.