The United States plans to disable Russian satellites with the help of military space weapons
The United States plans to disable Russian satellites with the help of military space weapons

The United States plans to disable Russian satellites using combat space assets, said the head of the Military Space Academy. Mozhaisky Major General Anatoly Nestechuk

The Americans are creating small combat space assets that can disable Russian satellites, their launch can be hidden during the launch of OneWeb or Starlink vehicles into space;

The new American weapons will be able to carry out a covert maneuver, get close to the Russian spacecraft and put it out of action in any situation, at any time;

US small combat space assets can be launched into orbit as part of multi-satellite low-orbit communication systems such as OneWeb or Starlink. Also, a reusable aerospace vehicle of the X-37B type is actively used today as a carrier of such systems;

Such means form the threat of a space attack on critically important spacecraft of the Russian Federation. The incapacitation of an apparatus that provides communication and telecommunications can lead to a loss of control, primarily, of strategic nuclear forces, which cannot be allowed.



US plans to disable Russian satellites using military space assets - Major General Anatoly Nestechuk


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