Tactics use of live helicopters.
The first mass use of helicopters took place during the Korean War. Today, not one military conflict can not do without the participation of rotorcraft. If initially they performed the functions of aerial reconnaissance, artillery adjustments and transportation, the experience of the Vietnam War showed that helicopters are excellent for carrying out amphibious operations and carrying out direct fire support from the air. This, in turn, led to the emergence of a special class of combat helicopters that were developed and used by both NATO troops and the Soviet Army.
The tactic of fighting against helicopters.
During the Arab-Israeli conflict with the anti-tank helicopters showed high effectiveness against armored vehicles. For the theory and practice of military helicopters is very important the experience gained during the military actions in Afghanistan. The volume of work performed rotorcraft in this war, enormous. With helicopters there have been many major amphibious operations. There airmobile troops types, on whose shoulders bear the brunt of the fighting.
The use of MANPADS "Stinger" by the duskmen resulted in an increase in the losses of Soviet helicopters. At the same time, the tactics of their combat use also changed. Combat helicopters began to perform their tasks at extremely low altitudes, which made them invulnerable to enemy missiles. Hanging on the spot tried to avoid, since at the same time the machine became too convenient a goal for small arms. Soviet pilots used tactics of guidance, in which the first group only fixed the target, and the second group of helicopters attacked it. In the mountain gorges the attack tactics were used one by one, and the exit from the attack of the machine was carried out either by abrupt departure to the height or, conversely, at low altitudes. Attack of a group of helicopters occurred in a closed circle, when the cars alternately dived to the target and opened fire. To protect against air defense weapons, various terrain elements were used, for which the rotary wing attack aircraft could hide after it had worked on the target.
Initially, it was believed that the combat helicopter should independently search for and destroy the enemy, but practice showed that such tactics are possible only with weak air defense. The stronger the enemy's air defenses, the shorter the helicopter's lifetime on the battlefield. As a result, he may not have enough time to attack. Americans realized this early. They have developed a system in which, along with a combat helicopter, an unobtrusive reconnaissance helicopter is operating (this may be a drone). Using shelters and electronic reconnaissance means, the latter detects and highlights targets for a combat helicopter that can use guided missiles while outside the zone of enemy air defenses.
In the Soviet Union we were also aware that in the event of a collision with a modern well-equipped army helicopter require a different nature than the Mi-24. The result was a purely combat helicopters Mi-28 and Ka-50. Their modernization continued in our time, improved means of electronic target detection, enhanced armament.
Helicopters are indeed used for air, land and sea military operations. Perform a lot of tasks. Therefore, they are great ones. Requirements. Constant updates and expensive developments are being carried out. Today, many helicopters are equipped with powerful weapons capable of hitting any target. Are able to fly at a small altitude with a relatively high speed. They have amazing stability and maneuverability. Equipped with the latest electronic systems for navigation, target detection, deception of missiles and enemy pvots. Part of the fuselage and helicopter blades are made of lightweight, durable, elastic compassion materials resistant to splinters and grenade launcher shots. Of course, the helicopter remains a vulnerable machine, but its capabilities are very large. And even shoot down rockets at full speed.