School of Aviation of Russia
To date, the civil aviation of the Russian Federation occupies a leading place among all types of transport, because it can help to quickly deliver passengers and cargo, even in the most remote corners of the country and beyond.
Every day, for these purposes, working pilots, flight attendants and technicians who ensure the safety of the flight.
In the country there are many educational institutions which are prepared and highly qualified specialists.
St. Petersburg Aviation and Transportation School of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation AA Novikov conducts training on several popular specialties. This school was established in February of the year 1972. It became one of the first educational institutions that trained specialists in the organization of air transportation. To date, the school is the only one in Russia that prepares specialists for air transport services. In addition, he is trained in such specialties as: dispatcher, technician, maintenance personnel in air transport and many others. In this school, both girls and boys with full secondary education can enter. Preparatory courses are conducted in all subjects for which entrance examinations take place.
Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School provides training of secondary school graduates in the specialties: the fighter pilots. With the release of all college students receive higher military special education, as well as one additional civil specialty. In addition to school-based work training courses.
Buguruslan Flying School is a branch of the St. Petersburg State University, prepares civil aviation pilots. Graduates after graduation are awarded the qualification commercial pilot. In addition to school work training courses specialists. The branch also has a license to carry out educational activities, as well as a certificate of accreditation.
Omsk Flight Technical College is a state educational institution of secondary professional education of the State Civil Aviation Service. Students who study in college, finish it on the step, each in its capabilities and desire, and upon completion of training, all graduates will certainly receive a diploma of secondary vocational education. After each training course, students are assigned one of the existing working professions, such as: radio mechanic, computer operator, electrician and many others. All classes are conducted with in-depth study of computer and microprocessor technology, as well as one foreign language to choose from. All this makes it possible to get priority in any enterprises at the admission to the maintenance of modern technology, and those who wish to continue their education in higher education for them priority in the form of reduced terms. In addition, during the entire period of training the cadets live in a hostel, are provided with a full three meals a day and receive a scholarship.
In addition, there are also many different schools that train specialists both civil and military aviation.
The military aviation schools include the following: the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the N. Zhukov Air Force Engineering Academy, the Peter the Great Military Academy and others. They prepare officers and undergo advanced training for managers and executive officers.
How to prepare the future of civil pilots
Ulyanovsk Higher School of Civil Aviation