Ka-32. A photo. Characteristics.
Ka-32 used for civilian purposes, taking into account operating from the deck of the ship. This unit is the next branch of the Ka-27PS. It was originally planned to use it as a reconnaissance helicopter flying in extreme conditions of the Arctic for a person regardless of the time of day. But over time, the engineers of the OKB decided that Ka-32 can be exploited for other purposes. Becoming a multi-air machine, it could:
used for search and rescue operations;
to carry out transportation;
assist in the work of the crane during the assembly or installation of the equipment;
take out an expensive wood in the case of absence of passable roads;
patrol the borders of the state or important objects.
The program of the project included the installation of onboard computers, surveillance radar, flight and navigation system, equipment spetsprednaznacheniya, anti-icing system. To make ice reconnaissance maximum flight duration must be at least 4,5 hours, and during crane work and transportation required load capacity of four tons inside the cabin and outside five tons (suspension). The helicopter can fly 300 km at a cruising speed 220-230 km / h at the shipping weight of three tons inside the cabin.
Due to the fact that non-military purpose helicopter, which means that the board is not required equipment, placed inside the fuselage fuel tanks, different techniques for civilian use, and increased the total tonnage.
Ka-32 began to develop back in 1969 year, and only four years later at the end of December saw the first flight with an experienced test pilot E. Laryushin on board. Six years later, after all the necessary checks and tests in the air rose the first production copy.
Currently Ka-32 successfully used on most of the continents of the world. In 1983 and 1985, this machine set seven world records. During the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident in 86 year is this helicopter did dosimetric reconnaissance (at an altitude of 250 meters from a helicopter lowered a sensor in the ventilation pipe directly to the emergency unit). These aviation units successfully used in Canada, Algeria, Malaysia, Brazil, Korea, Switzerland and many other countries. In South Korea, in the frontier troops in the operation is more than 40 Ka-32.
This helicopter has a number of advantages due to the lack of a steering screw. As the model of the model is coaxial, the missing screw leads to a reduction in overall dimensions, weight and simplifies the track control. Among other things, 10-12% of the engine power, previously used for the operation of the steering screw, goes to the needs of the lifting force. The power-to-weight ratio is increased, which means that both the transportation and the load-carrying capacity have become higher. Control forces and moments of this scheme are created by screws of the coaxial system. This is what determines the high maneuverability and controllability, as well as low restrictions on low speed.
Particularly bright coaxial scheme established itself in the use of outer suspension (performing installation and construction, material handling, maintenance of deep drilling rigs and search and rescue operations). The design of the helicopter is difficult, however, this leads to a great flight and technical qualities. On the maneuverability of the workers multiplayer Ka-32 has no competitors.
Dimensions up 16 meters. The overall design allows the use of a helicopter in different weather and climatic conditions, as well as on any continent. The helicopter can operate day and night, is able to sit on the ground and ill-prepared sites, adapted ships and offshore installations drilling. The blades can be folded, which in turn leads to a reduction in the size of five.
Safety during the flight is provided by duplicating the main systems, the twin-engine power unit provides a horizontal flight, a safe landing. If the helicopter made an emergency landing on the water, the seizure becomes safe (slow), which gives time to leave the helicopter. This is possible with the presence of ballonets. For transporting people (13 seats or 9 in a sanitary version) there are no comfortable seats and benches on the helicopter, however Ka-32 can easily transport five tons of a small-capacity cargo on the suspension. In addition to its own weight in 6600 kg, the helicopter can transfer up to 5000 kg.
Because coaxial screws limit tailwind and crosswind is 10 m / s. Also, regardless of exceeding this limit, lost control of the helicopter did not. This feature is just the same need when flying in mountainous terrain.
Deicing system ensures operation of the helicopter in fog, snow, rain, icing (up -23 degrees), in a storm or in places of work with high precision. To start the engine does not require any fixed equipment. Running can be provided at an altitude of 3000 meters and under the conditions of a temperature of minus forty to forty-plus Celsius.
Powerful ACS installed on Ka-32, allows you to perform a number of different types of flight in standalone mode: flying on a planned route, hovering over the water and the land, the approach, regardless of the flight path. Some modifications are used in the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to extinguish fires. For a time, due to the established system of fire, the helicopter can pour on the glowing portion of three to five tons of water. Installed water cannon helps extinguish spot fires. And the presence of an emergency winch provides load lifting up to 300 kg.
Separately, by modifying Ka-32 can carry loads up to seven tons. At this time, the creation of co-axial helicopters engaged in a scheme Kamov design bureau.
Design Ka-32
Two-screw helicopter coaxial scheme with the presence of two GTE and chassis four-bearing type. Semi-monocoque fuselage is made of aluminum alloys. The crew cabin is double, located in the bow. The cargo compartment is separated from the cockpit by a partition, has 16 folding seats along the sides. Entrances to the cabs are carried out this way: to the crew from two sides, and into the cargo bay on the left side through a sliding door. To secure different, but small-sized loads in the cockpit, mooring units are installed. The external suspension is mounted in the trunk in the cargo hold. It has a weighing device.
Rectangular shape defined by two stabilizer pitching washers is tailplane. In washers with large steering direction - it provides directional stability. The design goals and stabilizing skeleton, made of composite materials and aluminum alloy.
Four gear will not retract. Presented in the form of a pyramid with the presence of two-chamber oil-air shock absorbers with high and low pressure. Swivel front feet are under pressure 0,58 MPa. Home support - 1,08 MPa. Some models are modified or established skiing emergency inflatable ballonets.
Three-blade propeller coaxial pivotally secured to the helicopter blades (can be folded). Blades modified the profile NACA 230, presented in the form of a rectangle. The side walls are made from composite fiberglass base are strengthened with carbon fibers. The blades are equipped with regulating trimmer. And thanks to the titanium sleeves vibration and vibrations are minimized at different speeds.
The power plant includes two turbine engine turbine TVZ-117 and the automatic adjustment of the engines. Control modes and the overall work carried out engine mode indicator on the instrument board. In case of refusal launch automatically through the auxiliary unit. A two-stage main gearbox, planetary sample with two freewheel. Equipped with a brake rotor and cooling system.
Ka32 - transport medium coaxial helicopter with two turboshaft engines, and fixed landing gear.
Ka-32 - the development of civil rescue search helicopter Ka-27PS, which is designed OKB. NI KamovGiven the successful operation of a family of helicopters Ka and Ka-25-27 from the deck of the ships.
Ka-32 photo.
Helicopters Ka32 with 1985 of mass-produced "KumAPP." As 2013 160 produced more helicopters Ka32 in different versions.
Ka-32 photo booths.
In 2013 is an agreement with the Chinese corporation "Yitong" about the possibility of mounting Ka32A11BC helicopters in China.
Features Ka-32:
Diameter of rotors: 15,9
Helicopter height: 5,45
Length: 12,217m
Width: 3,805m
Tilt angle of a shaft of the bearing screws: + 4 ° 30 '(forward)
Lowest take-off weight: 7200kg
The highest take-off weight: 11000kg
The largest flight weight with a load on the external sling: 12700kg
The greatest weight of the load in the cargo cabin:
Ka-32: 3300kg
Ka-32T: 3500kg
Ka-32A: 3700kg
The largest weight of the load on the external sling: 5000kg
Maximum speed: 260km / h
Flight speed at the greatest range: 200km / h
Flight speed for the longest duration: 120km / h
Practical range: 800km
Maximum rate of climb: 15m / s
Ceiling: 5000m
Static ceiling: 3500m
Maximum height of the platform for take-off and landing with the main engines off: 3000
Ka-32. Gallery.
In Chernobyl, Ehrlich's program "Igla" was attended by spacecraft 27 pl, pilot Hero of the USSR N. Melnik.
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