Wayne Peak. Biography. Fighting. Ranks. A photo.
Wayne was born in North Carolina. He flew as part of USAAF during World War II, but was unable to win a single victory over the Germans.
He served in the US Air Force units located in Israel. During service in Israel was given the nickname "the rescuer pilots" because once helped to plant the plane of his friend, heavily damaged in combat.
20 November morning Mosquito VL-625 (13-Squadron RAF) began a routine flight over Palestine. Due to translations, the squadron Wayne closer to the border of enemy aircraft did not manage to gain secure for yourself a height and was quickly intercepted "Mustang" Peak. There has been a failure of the oxygen equipment and the American hardly pondered what to do, but he still shot for sure - Mosquito exploded, killing both pilots, which they ruled. After landing on the airfield Peak reported to the leadership of the four-engined bombers destroyed.
Peak 1951 he entered the Flying Tigers Airline (airline passenger) and managed brilliantly to make his career, becoming the chief driver of this campaign. Wayne died in January 1979 year from cancer. According to his will was buried in Haifa, at the military cemetery, a little to the right of the tomb of George Beurling.