"Air Force Academy named after Professor N. Ye. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin" in Syzran
The branch of the Educational and Scientific Military Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor N. Ye. Zhukovsky and Y. Gagarin" in the city of Syzran is a flight school located in the Samara region in the city of Syzran. Since the middle of the twentieth century, it has been the leading Russian educational institution in the field of training pilots for military helicopters.
The school has existed since 1940, in 1998 it was reorganized into an institute. Since 2010, it has been a branch of the VUNC Air Force VVA named after Gagarin and Zhukovsky. The school currently has ten departments, laboratories, specialized simulators and classrooms. Within the walls of the school, foreign military specialists from Armenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Chad, China, Guinea, Vietnam, Angola, Burundi, Djibouti, Laos, Sri Lanka, Mali, Mongolia, Libya, Nicaragua and Sudan are trained.
During the Soviet period, the flight training of the school's cadets was conducted in three training helicopter regiments, which are based at the Troekurovka airfields in Syzran (there is still a helicopter training regiment - on Mi-24 helicopters), Pugachev (Mi-8, Mi-24 helicopters, the helicopter training regiment was disbanded in 2011), as well as Bezenchuk (helicopter training regiment - helicopters Mi-8, Mi-2, disbanded in 2003). In 1991, the school also included a helicopter training regiment, which is based at the Sokol airfield in Saratov.
The 131st helicopter training regiment of the military unit 21965 and the 484th helicopter training regiment of the military unit 15566 in 2012 were reorganized into 339 aviation training base which was taken out of the subordination of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Syzran branch of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor Zhukovsky N. Ye. And Gagarin Yu. A. ".
Branch as of 2013 year, produces the theoretical preparation of students 1-5 courses.
Helicopter sport has existed in Russia since 1959. The school's command skillfully used helicopter sport to advertise helicopter aviation and increase the flying skills of students. Over the past years, the school has trained 217 masters of sports of the Soviet Union in helicopter sports, two masters of sports of international level. At the world championships, the Soviet Union, Russia, the athletes of the school received more than 220 medals of different levels, and V.V. Degtyar and P.V. Vasiliev became world champions twice. One of the historically remarkable pages of the school is the famous achievements of athletes - masters of parachuting and helicopter sports.
Up to now, the record of fifty-times world champion AA has not been interrupted. Osipova, performed about 15 thousand five hundred jumps with a parachute, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. One of the excellent traditions of the Syzran VVAUL are meetings in the walls of the native school of graduates. This tradition originated with the initiative of the graduates of the XUUM XUUMX year. With the support of Bazarov A.F. Major-General of Aviation of the Chief of the School, the organizing committee of the course held and prepared the alumni twenty years after the release of 1968. Since the beginning of the school every year there have been those who graduated from SVVAUL twenty, twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five and forty years ago.