other parts
other parts. How best to repair the aircraft?

other parts. How best to repair the aircraft?


Anyone who frequently be named domestic manufacturers of cars that get spare parts, is not so simple, at times probably did not even think about how hard it is to find a spare air transport, in particular helicopters and planes. Make it a really quite difficult, as individuals who own small-engine aircraft, for example, the well-known "corncob" An-2, And light helicopters simply can not purchase spare parts for aircraft due to the fact that the maintenance of these machines, and especially the sale of spare parts is not conducted for several decades.


Parts air. Aircraft manufacturers and aircraft repair plant



The most effective way to find the necessary spare parts for aircraft aircraft is to directly apply to specialized enterprises. Here, there may be already ready-made spare parts for existing aircraft and helicopters, and those that are actually manufactured within a few days. An important feature of this kind of places is that in case of any unforeseen situation you can always turn with claims to these organizations, but, as a rule, if the work is performed by specialists in this field, in particular, install spare parts for airplanes on your personal airplanes and helicopters, Then you can be assured of the quality of the work being done.

It is worth noting that the best option of the two representations is, of course, air repair enterprises which have their own specialized staff in this area, and the obstacles to the manufacture of any other node plane or helicopter there.


Parts air. Self-manufacturing



Separate production of other parts is difficult, but at the same time it is quite possible, but it should be borne in mind that in this case all the risks of the continued operation of the aircraft lie solely on you. It should also be noted that the self-production of parts other purpose, you must understand the only professional technology air repair, since the material is already used properly can lead to a great tragedy.

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