Aeroflot Airline


Aeroflot will receive 10 Transaero aircraft

The airline "Aeroflot" will receive only 10 aircraft airline "Transaero".

The information was made public the day before, and, as the governor said the bank VTB, 11 aircraft previously owned airline "Transaero", will be sold - either in Russia or abroad. news agency said that because of the serious financial problems of air carriers "Transaero" was stopped for nearly a month ago, and despite attempts to restore the airline from both the airline "Aeroflot", and from the group of companies «S7» for various reasons, the air carrier is still in the near future will be declared bankrupt.

At the moment, due to the departure of Transaero, there is a shortage of air tickets for a number of domestic air routes, however, other Russian air carriers are gradually stabilizing the situation.
