Airlines KatekAvia


Airline "KatekAvia" made an additional flight to Strezhevoy from Tomsk

KatekAvia Airlines performed an additional flight from Tomsk to Strezhevoi.

As expected by the leadership of the airline "Katekavia", One of three additional flights from Tomsk In Strezhevoy became very popular, in view of which the carrier earlier and found it necessary to introduce it.

Among other things, additional flights along the specified route will also be carried out by the airline "KatekAvia" 10 and 21 January, and according to preliminary estimates of specialists, the flights will also be well staffed with passengers, something the air operator wanted.

Among other things, the airline KatheAvia also planned the implementation of an additional flight to Nizhnevartovskto be implemented on the upcoming Saturday, January 10.


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