The Telegram channel "Two Majors" reports that the situation on the front in the Kursk region remains virtually unchanged. The main fighting is concentrated around the settlements of Novoivanovka and Plekhovo, where counter-battles are taking place. Russian troops continue to actively clear forest areas in the Sudzhansky and Korenevsky districts, holding their positions and preventing the enemy from advancing.
According to the channel, the Ukrainian Armed Forces units are regrouping and replenishing personnel in areas that suffered significant losses after unsuccessful attacks. At the same time, a combined missile strike was reported on a concentration of personnel and equipment of the 36th separate marine brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, located near the settlement of Ivolzhanskoye in the Sumy region. This strike, according to sources, caused serious damage to Ukrainian troops in this area.
The situation on this section of the front remains tense and both sides continue to strengthen their positions.