The “Russian Weapons” telegram channel reports the beginning of the active use of Ukrainian fighters during combat operations in the Kursk region. According to the source, the modernized Su-27s of the Ukrainian Armed Forces began to actively participate in air operations, demonstrating high maneuverability and efficiency when flying at low altitude.
Ukrainian pilots, using low-altitude mode, carry out attacks on positions of Russian troops in the Sudzha area. In particular, attacks are launched from their sides on the Tor-M2 anti-aircraft missile systems covering Russian positions. The main weapons used by Ukrainian fighters in these attacks include AASM-250 guided active-rocket bombs and AGM-88B Block 3 HARM anti-radar missiles.
“And again, the crews of the modernized Su-27 of the Ukrainian Armed Forces feel like fish in water, operating in low-altitude mode and using AASM-2 guided active-reactive air bombs from the pitching position at our positions near Sudzha and the Tor-M250 military air defense systems covering them, as well as anti-radar missiles AGM-88B Block 3 HARM", - it is told in the message.
It should be noted that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have not previously used fighter jets to strike the Kursk region since the start of the Ukrainian invasion.