Russian military Telegram channels report the movement of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the direction of the border Belovsky district of the Kursk region, located south of Sudzha. There is an increase in Ukrainian forces in the area, including armored vehicles and a significant number of personnel, who are advancing in different directions.
Telegram channel “Thirteenth” reports that the enemy is currently trying to break through the state border near the village of Kolotilovka, Krasnoyaruzhsky district, Belgorod region. There are already clashes going on there. At the same time, in the Kursk region, in the Belovsky district, large enemy forces were noticed, which continued to move, probably with the aim of increasing pressure on Russian positions.
The situation is complicated by the fact that the Ukrainian command is actively moving its units along the border with Russia, trying to mislead Russian troops and hide its real intentions. This was reported by the military Telegram channel “Veteran's Notes”, emphasizing that such actions may be part of a plan to disorient Russian forces and prepare for larger offensive operations.
The Telegram channel “Two Majors” reports that in the Belovsky district of the Kursk region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, advancing on a broad front, have already broken through several tens of kilometers deep into Russian territory. In the area of the Belaya settlement, the presence of large enemy forces is reported, which have taken up positions around this settlement. Ukrainian tanks reportedly opened fire on a hospital in the area, causing destruction and likely civilian casualties.
The sounds of fighting can already be heard in Oboyan, which indicates the serious consequences of the Ukrainian Armed Forces attack.