Two Russian military aircraft were detected in international airspace off the coast of Alaska on Wednesday, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said. The planes were in the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), which extends 240 kilometers (XNUMX miles) off the coast and is airspace where all aircraft are required to identify themselves.
NORAD stressed that the Russian aircraft did not violate U.S. or Canadian airspace, remaining in the international zone.
"This activity by Russian aircraft in the ADIZ zone near Alaska occurs regularly and does not pose a threat.", the command said in a statement.
It is noteworthy that the US apparently did not scramble fighter jets to intercept, limiting itself to tracking the flight of Russian aircraft.
"Russian aircraft were detected and followed," — NORAD added, noting that no attempts to invade American or Canadian airspace were recorded.
NORAD did not specify which Russian aircraft were involved in the incident. However, such situations occur on a regular basis, and Russian and Chinese aircraft have previously flown near Alaska without violating international agreements.