

The incident with smuggling tons of cocaine

At the international airport in the city of Caracas, the management of the security service was completely replaced after the incident with the passage of a ton of cocaine

Security service Karnakasa International Airport, the capital of Venezuela, beheaded and brought under control of the external security services. The situation at the airport threatens the security of the entire country, and at the moment does not comply with any standards. This happened after September 11, an Air France plane delivered thirty suitcases to Paris, stuffed with cocaine to the very top. All airport services were amazed by such a surprise. The total weight of the consignment was 1,3 tons, which was the largest drug consignment identified in history. The total cost of the party is 200 million euros. The most interesting fact is that the mentioned cargo was not registered for any of the passengers.

   On suspicion of involvement, an 11 man was arrested in Paris and a 22 man was arrested in Karnakas. Among those arrested, both in Paris and in Cakrnakas, a large number of employees of Air France.

   The media in Venezuela call the security situation at the capital’s airport disastrous. As an example, they cite the fact that the security cameras at the airport of Karnakas are not working for more than half a year.      
