Sukhoi Superjet 100


Irish air carrier CityJet has ordered 15 SSJ-100 aircraft

The company «CityJet» buys «Sukhoi Civil Aircraft» 15 passenger airliners.

Earlier information portal already mentioned the fact that the Irish air carrier is interested in buying Russian passenger airliners, but until now it was not known or the timing of the contract, nor on the number of aircraft purchased.

According to preliminary estimates of experts, the amount of the contract to be concluded exceeds $ 1 billion, and it is possible that in the near future the Irish airline CityJet may additionally conclude a contract for the purchase of 10 more airliners, which in turn emphasizes the prospects of using aircraft SJS-100.

Experts do not exclude that in the near future other carriers in Europe could also enter into contracts for the purchase of Russian aircraft.
