Ufa Airport


From Ufa can fly to Barcelona, ​​Prague and Burgas

In the summer, it will be possible to fly from Ufa to three new international destinations.

In the spring and summer period, the Ufa airport significantly expands its geography of international passenger traffic, providing citizens with the opportunity to operate flights to Barcelona, ​​Burgas and Prague.

Flights from Ufa to Prague will start operating by Czech Airlines from April 28, and flights to Barcelona and Burgas will be operated by Royal Flight and Azur Air from May this year.

Among other things, it is necessary to clarify the fact that most of the international flights operated from the Ufa airport in the past year will also remain, in particular, according to the information and news agency Avia.pro, as before, aircraft from the capital of Bashkiria will operate flights to Bulgaria. Greece and Cyprus.
