APU tanks


Due to Russian countermeasures, about 200 tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbass cannot launch an offensive

Russian countermeasures disabled the tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to information provided by the Bulgarian Military news publication, against the background of the aggravation of the situation in Donbass and near the Russian borders, Russia took countermeasures that hit the combat capability of the Ukrainian armored forces. So, according to the data presented, about half of the tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine located in the Donbass cannot start their offensive, which is probably due to the fact that the Ukrainian forces have not yet launched an attack on the positions of the DPR and LPR.

The key problem is the lack of fuel for heavy armored vehicles, since there are no supplies of oil products from Russia and neighboring Belarus, and the current need for fuel for the Ukrainian army is simply colossal.

"There is a fatal shortage of diesel fuel in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which leads to downtime of military equipment - tanks, self-propelled artillery, etc. Thus, this shortage will deprive the Armed Forces of Ukraine of military equipment for at least a month.", - reports the "Bulgarian Military" edition.

To date, there are about 450 Ukrainian tanks in the Donbass, however, only about half of them have real combat capability, while the combined forces of the LDNR have about 650 tanks in their armament, although there are many questions regarding the appearance of such a large number of the latter in the self-proclaimed republics ...

It should be noted that the supply of oil products to Ukraine has not been carried out for several months.

No question! Abkhazia has sold. She doesn't need them now ...

There are no questions about the appearance of any number of tanks and their means of support from the self-proclaimed republics.

