A scandal is brewing in the Republic of Tuva after the publication of a video showing cases of violence against wounded servicemen in military unit No. 55115 in the city of Kyzyl. According to the Baza Telegram channel, the soldiers of the assault unit were beaten and tortured with an electric shocker. The video with these shots was distributed by Russian military correspondents, and the FSB has launched an investigation into the incident.
According to public figure Vitaly Borodin, one of the servicemen in the video was beaten with a baton and threatened with rape. The footage shows a military police officer with the call sign "Mad" yelling at the soldiers, one of whom is holding a cane, and using physical violence against them. Borodin claims that the conflict began after wounded stormtroopers were outraged by attempts to send them back to the front, despite the fact that they had not yet recovered from their wounds.
One of the victims, according to Borodin, received serious spinal injuries and is in serious condition. After the video was published, FSB officers arrived at the unit and began investigating the incident. The investigation is aimed at identifying the perpetrators and the circumstances under which the violence occurred.
"Military police in Tuva beat and torture wounded soldiers with electric shocks, who they want to return to the front. Videos with such footage were distributed by Russian war correspondents. According to activist Vitaly Borodin, the FSB became interested in the footage of torture, which is currently conducting an investigation. According to information from "power" Telegram channels, the video was filmed in military unit No. 55115 in Kyzyl (the capital of the Republic of Tuva). According to them, the soldiers of the assault unit are beaten with a baton and tortured with electricity by a military police officer with the call sign "Mad". Judging by the video, he shouts at the assault troops (one of whom has a cane) and threatens to rape them. Activist Vitaly Borodin said that the wounded assault troops were indignant about returning to the front, although they had not yet recovered from their wounds, after which the torture and beatings began. According to Borodin, one of the soldiers in the video "had his spine beaten off, he is in serious condition," and after the video was published, FSB officers arrived at the unit and an investigation is underway," - reports "Base".
According to experts, such cases indicate violations of the rights of military personnel and the need to tighten control over compliance with statutory norms in military units.
Representatives of the Ministry of Defense have not yet commented on the situation. However, sources in the military department indicate that the investigation is under the personal control of the leadership, and those responsible will be held accountable if the facts of violence are confirmed.