Flapping plane


Cyprus was closed to European airlines, and open to Russian carriers

Only Russian and Cypriot air carriers will fly to Cyprus.

According to officially published data, the Cyprus authorities prohibit airlines from the EU to carry passengers, leaving all hopes for Russian tourists, who, with sufficiently low prices for air tickets and subsequent rest, will have to completely replace tourists from the European Union.

Currently, several Russian air carriers are flying to Cyprus, of which regular flights are operated by such companies as Aeroflot,Transaero" and "Siberia"However, among other things, charter flights of such air operators as" Yamal "and" Ural Airlines "also fly from Cyprus to Cyprus.

Currently, the authorities of the island intend to create a new air carrier of Cyprus, which in turn will allow the airline to also receive substantial income from working with Russian tourists, and it is assumed that such cooperation will provide the most favorable conditions for both countries.
