Airline Kogalymavia


"Kogalymavia" no longer flies over the Sinai Peninsula

Airline "Kogalymavia" began to fly around the Sinai Peninsula.

According to an information message on the official website of the airline "Kogalymavia", the management of this air carrier has adjusted the air routes of its aircraft, and now, flights over the Sinai Peninsula are not carried out.

According to some assumptions, due to the mysterious plane crash of the Airbus A321 passenger airliner, which occurred last Saturday, there is a great risk that the airliner could be shot down by militants of a terrorist group, and therefore, until the decoding of the flight recorders is completed, not only domestic, but also foreign airlines expressed a desire to fly around the Sinai Peninsula.

Among other things, as previously reported by the information resource, after the plane crash, Russian tourists massively began to refuse flights to Egypt.
