Launching a cruise missile


Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: tests of the Zircon hypersonic missile have been successfully completed

Tests of the newest Zircon hypersonic missile have been successfully completed in Russia.

The Russian defense department reported that as part of the ongoing tests of the Zircon hypersonic missile, tests have confirmed that it fully complies with the declared characteristics, which obviously indicates the actual adoption of this missile by the country.

"Test launches of the Zircon hypersonic missile have confirmed its unique characteristics in terms of range and accuracy of fire, as well as speed.", - informs the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

It is not known exactly when the tests of the newest domestic hypersonic missile "Zircon" were carried out, however, analysts believe that we are talking about the very tests that were planned about a month ago at the training ground of the Russian Navy near the settlement of Nyonoksa.

Remarkable is the fact that the real characteristics of the newest Russian hypersonic missile have not yet been disclosed, however, given the data that appeared in open sources of information, the rocket will be able to reach speeds of up to 10 thousand km / h. and hit targets at distances from 1000 to 2000 kilometers, which, obviously, will depend on the type of target.
