Messages have appeared on Ukrainian Telegram channels about the possible entry into service of the Ukrainian Armed Forces with the first F-16 fighters. This information is being actively discussed and is of great interest among military experts and ordinary users.
So far, there have been no official confirmations from the Ukrainian authorities or the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. However, numerous sources indicate that F-16s may already be deployed in the western part of Ukraine, where conditions for their operation are safest.
The F-16 is a multi-role fighter aircraft developed by the American company General Dynamics (now part of Lockheed Martin). These aircraft are actively used by the air forces of many countries around the world and have proven themselves to be an effective means of air combat, as well as for striking ground targets.
Earlier, the West assured Kyiv that the F-16 fighters were guaranteed to enter service with the Ukrainian Air Force before the end of the summer.