Meteorite explosion


A meteorite exploded over Kamchatka with a force equivalent to a 5-kiloton nuclear bomb

In the sky over Kamchatka, a meteorite exploded with an explosion energy equivalent to a small nuclear bomb.

The news agency obtained unique video footage of a meteorite explosion over the territory of Kamchatka. A bright blue flash occurred at an altitude of several kilometers, and according to experts, the energy of a meteorite explosion is quite comparable to the explosion of a miniature nuclear bomb with a capacity of about 2-5 kilotons of TNT.

On the presented video frames, you can see the moment the meteorite enters the dense layers of the planet's atmosphere and the explosion itself, moreover, a bright flash could be observed from a distance of several tens of kilometers, as evidenced by other video frames made from different regions of the peninsula.

It is known that the explosion took place without any consequences - there was no destruction on the ground.


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