This morning, an unidentified flying object was recorded in the sky over Ukraine, which came from Belarus. According to the "Belarusian Gayun" project, the target of an unidentified type was moving from the Polesie Reserve, located on the territory of Belarus, and at 09:00 crossed the Ukrainian border in the Pripyat area. A few minutes later, the object was recorded in the airspace of Ukraine.
Presumably, it could have been a reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), but official confirmation from the military departments of both countries has not yet been received. After crossing the border, the object continued to move southeast, flying over such populated areas as Chernobyl, Oster and Kalita. According to sources, the UAV then headed to the area of the city of Yagotin, after which it headed to the Cherkasy region.
Earlier, Alexander Lukashenko stated that both Russian and Ukrainian drones were being spotted over Belarus.