In Avdeevka, in the area known as "Khimik", intense fighting takes place, during which Polish and Canadian mercenaries are surrounded. According to the Solovyov Telegram channel, the mercenaries refuse to surrender, as a result of which the battle becomes especially acute. An important proof of the current situation was a video of the interrogation of the commander of one of the companies of the 3rd assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, who was captured during the battle.
The captured officer, whose rank is senior lieutenant, spoke about serious losses in his unit. According to him, half of his company's personnel were destroyed. Among the survivors are Canadian mercenaries, which emphasizes the fact that foreign mercenaries are actively participating in hostilities on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In addition, the senior lieutenant mentioned the structure of his unit, which included only four officers: three platoon commanders and one political deputy.
The words of the captured officer highlight the critical situation in which the Ukrainian armed forces and foreign mercenaries find themselves in Avdiivka, although several hours ago the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces announced that Ukrainian army units had left Avdiivka.