Fierce fighting is taking place at several sections of the state border in the Kursk region. According to data provided by the “Two Majors” Telegram channel, the enemy on one of the narrow sections of the front was able to cross the border several hundred meters, but was stopped and is now being destroyed. The situation is controlled by Russian forces.
The authorities of the Kursk region confirm the attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but note that soldiers of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation successfully prevented an attempt to break through the border. The acting governor of the region, Vladimir Smirnov, appealed to residents to trust only official sources of information and not to succumb to provocations.
“I would like to warn you that in the coming hours many different types of information will appear. I urge you to trust official sources of information and not to succumb to the actions of provocateurs,” - said Smirnov.
According to intelligence, Ukrainian forces plan to create a media effect similar to past events in the Belgorod region. It is expected that units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces may soon appear, engaged in filming for social networks, in order to distribute the video and create information noise.