Emirates Airlines


After a 2-hour flight delay, Emirates dropped passengers from the plane

Airline «Emirates» disembarking passengers from the aircraft.

From the comments made by the direct passengers of the airline "Emirates", the news agency Avia.pro became aware that, initially, a few minutes before the registration for the flight, the air carrier announced that the aircraft following from Dubai to Moscow was delayed for a number of technical reasons . After a two-hour tiring wait, the airline's passengers "Emirates»Still invited on board the aircraft, but for unknown reasons that the airline representatives did not bother to clarify, a few minutes after landing, the commander of the airliner announced that all passengers should leave the aircraft and return to the waiting room.

Customers airline «Emirates» were very discouraged by the behavior of one of the best airlines in the world, especially since neither the reasons for such action, nor the actual flight delay did not receive any comments.
