Russia will respond harshly to the US provocation in response to the appearance of American hypersonic missiles near Russian borders.
After the announcement by the American military command of its intentions to begin deploying hypersonic missile systems near the Russian borders (presumably in Poland and Romania - ed.), Russia intends to send its warships and submarines armed with Zircon hypersonic missile systems to Cuba and Venezuela , which will make it possible to quickly strike at the territory of the United States.
Today, the appearance in Cuba and Venezuela of the Russian Zircon hypersonic missiles is an effective step to contain Washington, while taking into account the friendly relations between Russia, Cuba and Venezuela, it can guarantee stability in the region as a whole.
Experts draw attention to the fact that the emergence of Russian hypersonic weapons in Cuba will become a very big problem for the United States, since taking into account the range of destruction of sea and ground targets, an attack can be carried out within a few minutes and the largest American military bases will come under attack.
Earlier, the Russian side categorically denied its intentions to equip its military facilities in this region, however, at the moment the situation has changed dramatically.
Who writes this nonsense! It's just awful, because someone will believe ...
"Russia intends to send its warships and submarines armed with Zircon hypersonic missile systems to Cuba and Venezuela, which will allow them to quickly strike at US territory" - a lie!
Russia is not going to send anything there. Moreover, why should Cuba, a socialist country, become a target to defend the interests of capitalist Russia?
Article about nothing ... Trying to wishful thinking. The conditions of the game have changed for Cuba and Venezuela. We are no longer so desirable there.
And this is very encouraging!
And what are they waiting for?
And where did you get the idea that Cuba will agree to the permanent presence of ships with Zircons. Fidel's time has passed. Now they care about Canadian and American tourists, not Russian missiles. There are no fools.
We are not enemies! We are allies against America's world domination!
"Zircons" are still being tested, and 10 years will fly by quickly, so there is no need to stop!
Very on time and instructive. It is necessary to constantly keep tasam for 3-3 different submarines
What to guess - deploy faster "Zircons" in Cuba and Venezuela !!!
This is where Aviation Pro takes that the Americans have hypersonic missiles? Sucks from a finger? Putin says
on the ten-year lag of the United States in the field of hypersound from Russia. And I believe him.
Yes, maybe the loyal rulers in those countries will allow it. And tomorrow the United States will arrange a coup and their hirelings will stand up, as has often happened before. And while the missiles are parked, you will have to pay good sums that will never reach us.
Cuba, Venezuela nuclear submarine repair base. Repair 2 - 3 pieces constantly.
100% don't just write off anything to anyone
No wonder Cuba was forgiven 38 lards of debt, probably the condition was.
There is something within 3 or 4 swings ...
Uh ... here ... About the difficulties with understanding ... the whole phrase in whole or in parts? What are the doubts, in the response of Russia or in the American provocation? Maybe they doubted amerohypersound (God forbid)?))))
They don't seem to have hypersonic missiles yet ...
Nicaragua was forgotten, and there the base can be.
Do you ask?
The main thing is to first ask Cuba and Venezuela - they agree ...
Author, tell me please, but in the USA they know that they invented hypersound?
Don't be ridiculous, about Cuba, everything is up to date !!!!!!
Clever liberal spill, where does such knowledge about Cuba come from ???????
The base was and is in Cuba, while it is being modernized, and our enemy is the United States, the military doctrine is the same.
999% in Cuba, everything is ready
It should have been done for a long time!
Place there (in Cuba) EVERYTHING and just accept it into the Russian Federation)
Nonsense! We are ideological enemies of the communist states: Cuba, China, Vietnam, etc., and besides, our rulers are traitors to the communist movement. Therefore, the base in Cuba should not even be remembered.
Right! We must immediately warn the United States and sign agreements with Cuba and Venezuela in advance. It may cost a lot of money, but Russia's security is more expensive.
Wolves will never turn into lambs.
You can't be friends with America, just compete
We didn't abandon anyone in 91. When I say we, I mean Russia. Cuba had treaties with the USSR, which fell apart and ceased to exist. at that time, all the agreements collapsed, and Russia, as the successor to the USSR, could not help anyone, tk. she could hardly stay afloat. Everyone in Cuba understands this very well. Only some of our commentators do not understand this and write nonsense.
Martens today live on the hope of renewing good relations with the United States. They remember well how we left them in 91
Worried about friends or hosts?
Don't hurt my brain. Who will let us into Cuba. Cuba does not even know, but we are already placing missiles there.
There are naval repair bases there. It looks like this is not a wish, but a real answer.
America understands not heart-to-heart conversations, but only a demonstration of capabilities from a position of strength. Remember the DPRK, they warned and immediately the negotiations turned into a different channel. In Cuba, we must definitely place our weapons, the Cubans should not forget what the USSR did for them. Americans are unfriendly to anyone. they only use everyone.
We have already gotten ourselves into a mess with similar statements about Russia's "Wishlist". We need some kind of foundation for both Cuba and Venezuela. They are not yet available. Such articles are not permissible for a solid site ...
"Russia will toughly respond to the US provocation in response to the appearance of American hypersonic missiles at Russian borders." I am having difficulty understanding this phrase.
With wolves to live like a wolf howl!
And the war on Russia is much more expensive
Let them not be driven, first you need to agree on the placement. Cuba and Venezuela are not uncomplaining colonies, they need garlic with them
It was not for nothing that the hand of Moscow fed Cuba with Venezuela ...
Moscow has invested more than one billion dollars in these countries ...
We are going for a long time. It's high time ...
It's high time Glory to Great Russia and its President for centuries!
You first unfold, and then shout !!! Russians, do not shout gop until you have crossed the threshold !!! How you like to brag about something that does not exist !!!
But experts do not warn that "a chatterbox is a godsend for a spy"? And what is desired, of course, can be passed off as reality, but more often it is a chance to lose the future!
There was a time, there was our base in Cuba. Supported by Comandante Castro. The situation on the island is not simple now. And given that the enemy is not asleep and will take measures to prevent the appearance of our forces in the area, we should expect an aggravation of the situation in Cuba.
Who to bomb? Are all the children of our officials and ministers in the United States? Poor Voronezh !!!
The issue of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN has long been ripe. This is a real threat to world democracy. Russia must do its part in the fight against threats of the same level as North Korea, Iran and the Pirates of the Caribbean. For these purposes, Russia needs to increase its presence in this region. )))
They go through Canada.
they will not send anything anywhere ....... ladies at home, children live ...
such statements must be made every Friday by some senior assistant to the junior clerk
I think that Russia should officially declare a similarity to the Cuban Missile Crisis in the event of the deployment of hypersonic missiles in Europe. Such installations will be destroyed, up to a nuclear response.
Everyone is scared. Like, King Kong
born to crawl a liberal won't be able to rise
The Russian Federation has a gut to place missiles there, bluffs ...
There are no American tourists in Cuba, prohibited by US law
We are exchanging for a trifle. For the deployment of our missiles in Venezuela and Cuba, we may demand that NATO get out of our borders to the plush Maginot Line.
Very much right about Cuba. We missed this moment with Cuba when they needed help. All thanks to bald people who once in a hundred years infiltrate the Russian Federation and destroy it.
Yes, there are many such articles, with the placement of missiles,
True, or fakes, there is no exact data yet.
We, once defended the island of Cuba from enemies,
But, then, they waved, rolling off the coast.
And, now, it is no longer clear what the arguments are,
As the guide looks, the Liberty Islands.
Do not wake the sleeping bear .., the United States and NATO countries have not dreamed of what move Russia will check and checkmate on you !!!
The Russian world is coming.
There is already logic in this. And that asymmetry from which there is a lot of dust, well, as it were, turned out to be ineffective in its details.
Have you been lifted off your knees too?
American tourists don't go to Cuba - banned by the us government ...
All this is nonsense, without any basis. Zircons so far only for testing with tension have been made, and even more so in Cuba, and even more so in Caracas - a large Indian dwelling, and no one will let them go there
Mikhail Zadornov was absolutely right in assessing the intelligence of the Americans. Well, why bother with their missiles in Poland and Romania, when they know perfectly well that Russia will immediately place its Zircons in Cuba and Venezuela. And the big question is who will have the most advantageous position, both territorial and temporary
European countries where the United States will deploy its weapons may consider themselves dead.
Well, if they write so, then they have already agreed with them! Or do you think that only the Yankees can put them anywhere ???
looks like a fiction. where did you get this information?
Cuba will not allow. Americans and Canadians are bringing tourist dollars there and Cuba will not spoil relations. No Fidel, Cuba is changing ...
looks like a fiction. where did you get this information?
Hello, another Cuban missile crisis ...
Duc in our time, why place it? it is enough to equip the service base for nuclear submarines and the fleet.
Are you sure that Vietnam is waiting for our missiles on its territory? And Cuba will definitely be glad? Do you think that they forgot who and when withdrew the bases from their territory? They still have communists in power and we are traitors for them.
Talking to Russia from a position of strength? - '- this is stupid and pointless, because SHE is not the one that was in the nineties, quiet and docile? !!!
How to explain the deployment of missiles in Cuba and at the same time the transfer of income from Russian raw materials to the United States and other NATO countries, as well as real estate and accounts of the Russian elite in these countries. Our right hand does not know what the left is doing? It looks like some kind of performance.
With those who do not understand ordinary words, you need to talk in the language that they understand. The US seems to have forgotten October 1962. It is necessary to remind, and so to remind, so that later they will not forget.
You won't be asked however. Get off the couch and think about why, comrade. Read a little history on this topic, analyze it a little and everything will work out
Where do the firewood come from? From Shoigu's office?
Why not Mexico? They were more happy than Cuba. Isn't it so difficult? In general, has anyone tried to come to an agreement with them, or is it a shame?
The author went over), in this situation, if these Turkish controlled territories were exposed, wait for greetings and then the Turks are still to blame?
Or maybe submarines in a given area
A very correct decision. I think this will cool the ardor of the US and NATO! It's high time to do it. =
The USSR was right about Cuba, Afghanistan, Vietnam.
Well done!
Cuba will agree to the placement.
Long overdue!
but the cube needs it, no, it is not necessary, it is better to place it on the moon and in deep space
Do not have weapons on the territory, warships with such weapons will enter
Yes, there is already an agreement.
And who forgave Cuba a debt of $ 32 billion? Nadot to work out
Who else would ask.
Open your eyes, - Zircons on ships! No need to post anything, they are already posted!
in Cuba, it is possible, and in Venezuela, it is unlikely that the law there will not allow another state to deploy its weapons.
Who else would allow this to be done
Not a single day without lies. Who will let you into Cuba, who are you?
But they are not aware of such a setup