The Russian Orthodox Church has called for caution in public statements following Archpriest Tkachev’s words


The Russian Orthodox Church has called for caution in public statements following Archpriest Tkachev’s words

Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) spokesman Vladimir Legoida has called on Church speakers to weigh their words more carefully, especially on issues related to conflict and society. His statement follows the resonant words of Archpriest Andrei Tkachev, who in his sermon linked current events to the moral state of society, including abortion and other “sins.”

In his speech, Father Andrei stated that "the war is going on because the semen is spilling everywhere," called abortions "turning people into debauchees and murderers," and what is happening "God's punishment" for the murder of the innocent. In his opinion, the HIMARS strikes have become a symbol of divine punishment for sins.

Commenting on this sermon, Legoida noted that, despite the general concern about the moral state of society, such statements require a more balanced approach.

“Of course, sin is at the root of any conflict, but in this case it is not worth making a direct linear connection between specific sins in society and military events,” - he declared.

The representative of the Russian Orthodox Church emphasized that media personalities, including clergy, bear special responsibility for their words, especially when their statements can be interpreted as justification of certain events.

“Father Andrei is an active and talented person, but, like many media personalities, he can sometimes emotionally cross a line that should not be crossed.”, — added Legoida.

The archpriest's words caused a wide resonance in society. Some supported his opinion, believing that religious leaders should pay attention to the moral aspects of life. Others criticized such statements, calling them overly radical and inappropriate for public discussion.
