

C-300 met by American bombers over the Persian Gulf

The answer to the provocations: why Iran has transferred C-300 to the Persian Gulf.

A few days ago, the network posted footage about the transfer of Iran to the province of Bushehr, on the coast of the Persian Gulf, modern air defense systems C-300PMU2.

At the same time, wheeled military vehicles were transported by heavy-duty trawls rather than moving independently. Military experts stated that at the expense of such a transfer, the Iranian military took care of preserving the life of the combat vehicles and provided a greater level of security during movement.

The emergence of modern effective systems was a response to the strengthening of the US naval activity in the region. As follows from American data, there is a strike group of ships in the Arabian Sea. It is headed by the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln with 90 aircraft on board, and several hundred kilometers from Iran are American strategic bombers that regularly fly near the Iranian borders.

The Iranian Armed Forces have a fairly large air defense grouping. True, its main part is outdated complexes. Only S-300PMU2 and Tor-M1 air defense systems meet modern requirements. The national defense industry of the country has created its own air defense models, but they have not yet passed the stage of fine-tuning and are inferior to Russian-made equipment.


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