Kim Jong-un's sister denies Lukashenko's statement about meeting proposal


Kim Jong-un's sister denies Lukashenko's statement about meeting proposal

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's sister, Kim Yo-jong, who is considered the country's second most powerful person, has publicly refuted Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko's claim that the North Korean side had offered to hold a summit meeting. Moreover, her response was accompanied by criticism that emphasized the importance of honesty and clarity in international relations.

"In international diplomacy, it is important to state your intentions honestly, clearly and correctly," — Kim Yo-jong noted, hinting at the inadmissibility of distorting facts.

These words sounded like a clear reproach to Lukashenko, causing a wide resonance in the international press.

The North Korean representative’s statement added a new dimension to the debate over Belarus’s foreign policy. Kim Yo-jong’s comment not only cast doubt on Lukashenko’s credibility, but also drew attention to his repeated statements that have been questioned in the past. One such example is the story of Elon Musk’s gift of a Tesla electric car, which has also been called into question.

The episode signaled that Belarus’s efforts to strengthen its position in the East are facing serious challenges. Lukashenko has been pushing for closer ties with Eastern partners including Russia, China, and North Korea, but recent events point to less-than-stellar relations.

Criticism from North Korea was seen as a blow to Lukashenko's reputation, especially in the context of his statements about foreign policy successes and the upcoming presidential elections in Belarus.
