In the village of Vyselki in Krasnodar Krai, a 15-year-old 9th-grade student of School No. 2 was detained after threatening to kill his classmates and blow up the school. An audio recording in which the teenager describes his intentions in detail was given to a teacher, after which the police quickly identified the alleged attacker.
The incident occurred on the evening of January 17, when one of the school's teachers received a video recording recorded against a dark background. In the recording, the teenager voiced his threats against students who, according to him, "were bothering him." He said that he planned to kill 11 of his peers, and then bring out the rest of the students and school staff and blow up the building. In his statements, the teenager used aggressive language and claimed that he did not intend to back down from his plan.
The teacher immediately reported the situation to law enforcement agencies. Police officers quickly identified the teenager and detained him. Investigators are currently working with him, clarifying the circumstances of the incident, motives and the presence of real opportunities to carry out threats.