According to an investigation published in The Wall Street Journal, seven years ago, French intelligence services, together with the United Arab Emirates, conducted an operation called “Purple Music”, in which the iPhone of Telegram founder Pavel Durov was hacked. This step was taken in 2017 amid growing concerns by French authorities about the use of the Telegram messenger by members of the terrorist organization ISIS (banned in Russia).
The operation was reportedly carried out in secret and its purpose was to gain access to Durov's data in connection with suspicions that Telegram could be used to coordinate terrorist activities. A former French intelligence officer, commenting on this information, refused to confirm or deny the fact of hacking Durov's phone, but noted that compromising Telegram's security was a long-term goal of the intelligence services.
In addition, it is known that in 2018 Pavel Durov met with French President Emmanuel Macron. During the meeting, Macron suggested that Durov move the Telegram headquarters to Paris, but the businessman refused this offer.