The US military has begun deploying short- and medium-range missiles near Russian borders.
After withdrawing from the Treaty on the Elimination of Short-Range and Medium-Range Missiles, the US military began deploying such missiles and missile systems not near the western, but near the eastern borders, in particular, it is reported that such missiles are located near the Kuril Islands, which are in the United States and Japan is considered controversial.
“The United States does not rule out the deployment of medium-range missiles in the Asian region, including Japan, in the future, this possibility is being considered. This was stated by the US President's Special Representative for Arms Control Marshall Billingsley, according to the Japanese edition Nikkei. Billingsley said the US intends to negotiate with its allies about the threat from China, which is building up its nuclear potential. Washington is convinced that US allies in Asia need American missiles on their soil to defend against the Chinese threat. This is exactly the kind of defensive capability that countries like Japan will want and need in the future, ”the US special envoy said. Earlier, Japanese media reported that the United States has begun consultations with Japan on the deployment of medium-range missiles on Japanese soil. ", - about it сообщает Military Review.
Despite the fact that Tokyo does not officially comment, experts believe that this is a great opportunity for Japan to put pressure on Russia, especially given the territorial claims to Russia regarding the ownership of the four islands of the Kuril chain.
Nevertheless, experts believe that this will immediately cause a response from Russia, for example, through the deployment of more missile weapons near the borders of Japan - given the fact that this state has practically no effective air defense and missile defense systems, for Tokyo this may become a very big problem.
What will they do? Bomb the fish?
the scenario k / f the death of Japan ((((((
Japan so and so under the gun of the Kremlin